Devil's obsession part 15

Start from the beginning

"No.. he's not someone as strong as he's no match for you to kill." He said

"Wait.. your men took him with them that day then what I've to do in this?" You asked him

"You are too impatient. Learn to wait. I am telling you everything. So I freed him after he was nearly beaten to death." He replied

"Ok. So what I've to do?" You asked him

"You have to seduce him!" Jungkook replied

"What !! Seduce him..are you serious!" Your blood pressure raised after hearing the task he gave to you.

And that's when all the drama started.

"I am really sorry mr. Jeon but I am not going against your order. I know you gave me a offer to do partnership with you and I agreed on that so it's my duty to fulfill this order of yours but Jungkook him.. he's someone I would kill in one second after seeing him and want me to-" You were really frustrated by the task given by Jungkook.

"Miss yn, please don't!" Liza signalled you to stop talking.

"Yn listen to me.." Jungkook tried to speak but you kept talking.

"Jungkook please..I can flirt with someone else but not him." You said

"I request you to stop talking after this. May I consider this as your final answer ma'am?" He said.

You became quiet after hearing him calling you ma'am. You realised at this moment You fucked up!

"Sorry.." You said. Your ears turned red due to embarrassment.

"I can't tell you to kill him because he's not the one who is supposed to be killed. My target is his father. I am using him as a bait to lure his father that's why I need you to seduce him." He said in a calm voice

"Who is his father?" You asked him

He became quiet after hearing your question. After a few seconds he decided to break the silence.

"He's Yun Min-ho. The owner of Yun empire." Jungkook said as he tried to hold his anger.

Yun Min-ho was none other than your father. The person who destroyed everything. The person who made yours and Jungkook relationship reach at the point where you both are close but still so far away.

Your father was the absolute reason why you weren't able to lead a life with your real identity. You hated yourself from the day you gained consciousness to now because you were his blood. You refused to add your father name with you. You never belonged to your father.. and he never deserved you.

"Do you agree to do this?" Jungkook asked

"Yes. I do agree." You said as you saw the golden opportunity to kill your biggest enemy and lead a normal life again.

Leading a life while not hiding your real identity was all that you need.

"Thank you Jungkook for making my work easy but Yun Min-ho is truly meant to die by my hands not yours. It's been 12 years since I am waiting for this day and now I just have to wait for 2 days more. 2 days more and then I'll reveal to you who I am. This may lead to a bloody war between us or maybe one of us would die but..but I know once everything is cleared you will understand what I did was something you would had also done if you were kept in my position back then. Everything would turn normal after the Yun empire ends and I could hardly wait for that  day.." You thought as the memories of your past hits you..


"Mom, how do I recognise who is who in this masquerade party?" You asked your mom as you wore your mask.

"By the way they behave, sweetheart." Your mom replied

"By the way they behave. Nice!" You said after looking at yourself last time in the mirror before going to the party that was happening at your own house- The Celine mansion.

"C'mon my pretty daughter. Let's go now and remember don't even go close to-"

"Yun Min-ho..I know! Mom, that man don't deserve someone so pretty like you. Why not just kill him?" You asked as you hugged your mother.

"The more I am trying to keep you away from this the more you are indulging yourself in this. Tell me how can I stop you to step in this dark world where everyone is a devil?" Your mom softly stroked your hairs.

"Mom, I've heard people call you the queen of this devil world so that technically makes me a princess and the future queen of this world..The daughter of Celine Alessia will rule this world just the way her mother did. So mom, do you believe your daughter Celine yn would be a great ruler as you? You said to your mother, your voice firm.

"Yn, why don't you understand! You should really stay away from all this. You may not understand through what I've to deal with but once you step in this world your life will also turn miserable like me." Your mother  said as she pulled away from the hug.

"Mom, it's not because of this world but because of that man who pretended to love you. That man can't do anything by his self, he can't make his name in this world all by himself so he used you to come in fame and now that he's powerful he left you. It wouldn't take a lot of time for him to stab you in the back.." You said as your anger took over you.

"Yn, he already did..he already did stabbed me in the back by leaving me in time when I needed him the most and I don't want you to see yourself as a part of him. Now if he stabbed me in the back again then I would consider that as a end of mine!" Your mother said turning away from you.

"As a end of yours? Mom, why would you say that! He's not so powerful that he could harm you..and even if he did that would be his end not yours.." You said as you weren't able to understand what your mother meant by her end.

"Darling, I don't have the strength to fight him. He betrayed me I didn't. I don't have the strength to kill him if I want to.." Your mom said

"Mom, why?" You shouted

"You'll understand when you'll fall in love with someone."  Your mom said as she stepped out of the room.

You ran out after her.

"You can fall out of love as well." You shouted

Your mother stopped walking and turned around to face you and said

"You were never in love if you fall out of it.."

Devil's obsession

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