When he got close, Amelia saw a gunshot wound below his open collar. It was near his heart.

The gunshot wound had already healed, leaving a scar behind, but it could still be seen that the bullet had passed right through him.

She stretched out her hand and touched the scar. "This is..."

James glanced at the spot she was touching before pulling his clothes tighter.

Indifferently, he responded, "It's nothing."

Amelia remembered Ryan mentioning that James had gotten seriously injured in order to save her. Was that how he got the scar?

She slowly raised her head and looked at James. When she saw him closing his eyes and pretending to sleep, her heart ached again.

Her restless hand, which was placed next to him, suddenly reached out involuntarily to wrap her arms around his toned waist.

Her actions made James stiff.

His deep eyes gently fluttered open, and he seemed to be in a trance.

Was she taking the initiative to touch him because she was grateful to him for saving Ryan, or because she felt sorry for him?

James didn't dare to ask, because whenever Amelia had to choose between him and Ryan, she had never chosen James before.

James stayed in the hospital for two weeks, and Amelia stayed by his side the whole time. They ate and slept together, just like they had returned to the past.

However, he had rather severe perfectionist tendencies. Even if the doctor told him not to move around, he still refused to listen and kept cleaning himself.

Every time he came out of the bathroom, he was only wrapped in a towel, showing off his firm eight-pack abs as he walked around shamelessly in front of her.

Whenever she saw him like that, Amelia always felt like his perfectionist tendencies weren't the reason why he was showering so often. Instead, he was trying to seduce her.

Particularly, at night, he couldn't control himself. He would hug and kiss her wildly.

He felt incredibly frustrated, but he wanted to respect her wishes at the same time.

The day before he was discharged from the hospital, he couldn't help himself. He held Amelia in his arms and pushed her against the wall, gnawing on her lips, and asked over and over again.

"Amelia, I want you. Let me have you, okay?"

Amelia turned her head to the side, blushing. She tried to persuade him. "The doctor said not to exert your body."

James bit her neck and murmured, "I'll be gentle. I won't go too far, okay?"

Amelia raised her eyes and looked into his irrational gaze, which was filled with desire. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head lightly.

Since she couldn't let him go, then she would give him another chance, as well as herself. She would wait and see what happened in the future.

With her consent...

James began kissing her in a frenzy while freeing up his slender fingers. He locked the door with a click, and then closed the automatic blinds.

Under the dim light, he took the bath towel off her body. When he saw her seductive figure, his whole body began to heat up.

The high temperature nearly scorched him.
They hadn't been intimate for more than three years. At that time, he felt as if his skin was on fire wherever it touched her.

I got married without you [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin