26.The Devil giving a name to the 'life'

Start from the beginning

Rhea's stormy eyes glared at me as if she abhorred my mere presence. And I decided to not pay heed to her. Her off-dark aura always leaves me unsettling. However I did catch the slight panic in Aarav's demeanour before he readily masked it.

F E W H O U R S A G O~~~

Aarav's legs flattered, instantly his posture turned rigid upon hearing the click of familiar heels.

He turned swiftly, taking in the familiar face of his cousin, "Rhea".

"Bhai" a jaded whisper vented past her lips. However, she was quick to take command of her emotions, even though she knew he could see past it.

"I'm not in the right mind to deal with you right now." His fingers shot up and massaged his forehead.

The sight of her face seems to mock him. It is the incessant reminder of the unforeseen truth she kept concealed in the tenebrous quagmire. The truth that manages to wreck his insides, break havoc within him, whenever it echoes in his ears.

"Bhai, please. Don't push me off." Her exasperated chide came. "What you didn't know wouldn't have hurt you. That's why I never told you."

After his sister's death, Rhea had been his constant companion. Through thick or thin, chill to blaze. But the aftermath of her actions has begun to haunt him.

Had it been another person then he would have brought down hell on the particular person. But he was torn between his sister and the girl he had emotionally hurt yet wanted to keep away from the darkness of the world.

"I swear I wasn't going to harm her. You were already upset after that_ that video." Her words fumbled, mirroring her conflict between laying out her desperation or to keep her emotions veiled. "I wasn't planning to pull another shit to upset you, I swear. She shouldn't have barged in a party bunched with drunk and drugged youngsters."

"And you, in your own twisted way, were trying to put on a lesson for her." Rhea had to clench her fist to stifle herself from flinching on his sudden outburst.

It was exactly what she had planned to do. Had Saumya not jumped in between that night then she would have caught Mishika on time and would have locked her in one of the rooms upstairs as she had planned.

All these years Saumya thought that Rhea was going to take advantage of a drugged Mishika and Rhea also never tried to correct her. Being the person she is, she finds sick contentment upon getting listed in someone's worst list.

She is wicked and twisted in her head but not a somnophiliac. She likes to have the reign of control over the person, either in the bedroom or out the bedroom, in her hands. A person influenced by drugs or alcohol is useless dolls for her game of seduction or manipulation.

"Fuck!" Weariness and rueful-ness had his shoulders shaking as he ran a harsh hand down his face. "She was pregnant damn it! That shoved her to de_ath."

Joking about dying around Mishika had been his jerk stunts to not let her surmount from abhorring him. Although the mere thought of anything happening to her is enough to devastate him.

"I had no idea about that, okay!" Echoed her exasperated groan. "Even she had no idea until that miscarriage."

Aarav's jaw began to hurt from how hard he gnashed his teeth. He had enough death count to encumbrance him. Rhea may not deem the gravity of it but he couldn't shove the thought out of his head. He tried every way to keep himself impassive but he would feel his chest contrasting with unbidden ache every time upon the thought of the life lost or the life he could have lost.

"What do you want me to do, huhh ? Should I tell her everything ? Clear out everything that happened was my doing ? Would you then stop pushing me away ?"

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