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It's been two days and tomorrow they have to leave for Delhi.

Currently it's evening time and Taehyung is packing their bags in the room. Taeri is in her room studying as for a month she won't be able to study much and her exams are starting after holidays. 

Jk and gukkie are in the lawn playing. 

"Pass the ball gukkie.." Jk said to gukkie who is standing with ball in his hands.

He shook his head and waddled towards the basket ball net with the light ball in his hand, throwing the ball in the net which is only a little high from his height

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He shook his head and waddled towards the basket ball net with the light ball in his hand, throwing the ball in the net which is only a little high from his height. He jumped excitedly as the ball sailed through the air and made its way into the net. Clapping his smol hands, gukkie turned to Jungkook and started running towards him.

"Don't run, Gukkie, you might fall." Jk cautioned, but the young boy's excitement was too great. Ignoring his father's warning, Gukkie dashed towards him, his laughter filling the air.

And then it happened. As he ran, his foot caught on a loose stone, and before anyone could react, Gukkie tumbled to the ground, a cry of pain escaping his lips as he felt a sudden wave of pain rushed in his knees.

Jk was by his side in an instant, scooping him in his arms, his heart constricting at the sight of his son in pain. Gukkie looked up at him with teary eyes, his lower lip trembling as he fought back sobs of pain and fear.

"It's okay, Gukkie. You're a strong boy...right!!" Jk reassured, trying to soothe the trembling boy in his arms. But Gukkie's distress was overwhelming, and he began to cry loudly, his little body wracked with sobs.

"Mum mum!" Gukkie called out amidst his tears, his voice full of anguish, drawing the attention of Taehyung, who appeared at the edge of the garden, concern etched on her face.

"What happened to my baby?" Tae asked anxiously, gathering Gukkie into her arms and holding him close as he buried his face in her chest, his cries echoing through the air.

"He fell down and hurt his knees while running." Jk explained, as he tried to inspect Gukkie's injuries, but the boy clung tightly to his mother, his tears flowing unabated.

"It's alright, my baby. Let me see your face." Tae murmured, trying to comfort him as he shook his head, his cries continuing.

As Tae comforted Gukkie, Taeri come downstairs hearing his cries. She watched with a frown, her heart aching for her little brother.

Tae stroked Gukkie's hair gently, her voice soft as she rocked him in her arms, and took him inside, soothing him with her presence. Gukkie clutched at her clothes, seeking solace in the familiar scent of his mother.

Settling on the couch, Tae lowered her clothes to feed him, and Gukkie eagerly latched on, finding comfort in the warmth of his mother's embrace. Tae wiped his tears, patting his head lovingly, her heart heavy with the weight of his distress.

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