The nerve of this bitch.

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"Tell me, what has Karma told you about me ?" she tilts her head and raises her eyebrows. I had two choices here to shut this down and walk away or tell her how much of a bitch she was and probably still is. The second option sounds too good.

"The basics, I'm sure you know them as well" I shrug and she smiles and hums softly nodding to herself.

"Oh, so something along the lines of me being a bitch and selfish..." she pauses and points me "A selfish bitch".

"You could say that" I shrug again.

"But knowing Heather, she'd never use those words not even on her bitchy exes". She props her elbow on the desk and rests her chin on her fisted hand.

"Okay, you got me, those are my words" I sigh and watch as she smiles.

"Sounds just about right" she shrugs. The nerve she had to just agree to this as if we were kidding around.

I scoff, sending her a glare that showed just how annoying I thought her smug act was, "Can I go now ?". I ask already pushing my chair behind. Although the second choice sounded good, I didn't want to waste my time on her and I know for a fact she enjoyed just sitting here with me. I could tell.

"I was fucked up back then Happy" she exhales her voice low now as she rubs her chin and I sit back down. "I was so fucked up, not even Heather herself could help me, and if you know her as well as I do, she's an angel, a flawed, imperfect angel, but still an angel" she scoffs a small smile on her lips. She seemed genuine at the moment so why not listen to her ?

"So what ? you made her feel like she wasn't enough for you" I ask trying to tone down the judgemental tone.

"Nothing was enough for me back then, I wasn't enough for me, I felt suffocated by everything even my own existence Happy" she speaks her voice so quiet it was chilling. "I tried to escape, isolate myself, and it became clear that no matter how much I isolated myself and pushed her away she'd always want to be there and so I took out my frustrations on her". 

The nerve of this bitch.

"You took out your frustrations on her knowing her history with her parents ?" I frown harder, I didn't want to be specific and mention Karma's evil mother because I wasn't sure if Diane knew about her. I hope she didn't, that would make this a bit better, you cant know that her mom did that to her and still do that to her right ? She's not that bitchy.

"I knew her mother was the devil's right hand woman, I knew what she did to Heather, I knew Heather was still traumatized, but she was willing to set her pain aside and try and take all of mine". I run a hand down my face, she fucking knew. 

"You used her" it was sickening.

"I did, and it felt so damn good to treat her how I wanted and know she'd not leave me because she loved me, it was empowering to be honest", at this point our eyes meet and hers are so dark and distant, I dont have a mirror but I can guess I looked as disgusted as I felt. "Do you want to know why it was so easy for me to care less about how she felt and dump my fucked up emotions on her ?". She asks her look softening and not knowing whether I truly want the answer to that I nod hesitantly. "I didn't love her as much as she loved me" she whispers and inhales deeply looking away from me. 

Wow, I mean... wow. It made so much sense but she said the words with so much ease like they didn't affect her, maybe they didn't, after all she didn't love Karma as much as Karma loved her.

"I realized I was hurting her but she hadn't even realized that yet, or she was just making up excuses for me in that head of hers, anyway I skipped town with this guy I knew back then because I needed space, space to grow and figure myself out, karma caught up to me soon though" she smiles and even chuckles a bit. "Ironic isn't it ? I hurt Karma, and karma caught up to me and hurt me, anyway I won't bore you with the details of the shit I went through, just know almost immediately I got back I was at K's door telling her I know I'd fucked up and she didn't deserve any of that shit I put her through". 

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