Wanna have coffee with me ?

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Have you ever had an experince then thought it was a dream or a figment of your imagination the day after ?

"Yeah I try" K said after I mused about how her voice took me to other places for the thousandth time on the same night.

"You're just being humble" I point her and she laughs.

"Music does that to me too, takes me to places... it's my escape, the only thing that gets me when no one does, the only thing that's there when no one is. It's kind of like my hero and I am more than honoured that that's what you think of me". Has someone ever found words for your inner thoughts and for some reason you just felt like thanking them several times until you start crying and tell them how much they get you?

"You should give me a private show for being your biggest fun don't you think?" I playfully shoved her and she laughed, the number of mojitos I had and shots I took were more than starting to catch up to me and I was starting to feel heavy headed now.

"How can I say no to my biggest fun ?" she joked.

"Mmmh, that means you have to agree to everything I say right?" I asked and felt as my head falls back on it's own.

"Maybe, but maybe you're drunk" she spoke softly as I felt her pull me by the head and lay my head that felt like it weighed a tone on her shoulder.

"I am... take me home ?".

"Mmhm..." is the last thing I remembered her say that night before my eyes fluttered shut.

Now I was in mine and Bunk's favourite café, they had the best service... most importantly strong coffee that I needed to stay concentrated, and comfortable booths. After explaining to K that I needed her for a small interview and needed to hear her talk about her passion for music, she didnt have many questions after and just asked where to meet. I asked her if here was okay and she said yes, then picked the time at 4 in the evening, because she'd be more awake then.

I was seated there in one of the booths, my coffee already there and one of their freshly baked still warm muffins, trying to start the begining of my article while waiting for K. This shouldn't be so hard, I thought as I began typing on my keyboard and thinking of what I'd ask her. Fuck that, she didn't need to be asked anything, she spoke up for her own self. What I needed to worry about was what I was writing.

Music, it goes without saying that everyone has different tastes in it but it doesn't matter if you're into punk rock, hiphop, indie rock, soul music, RnB or country music... because no matter what you listen to or sing, as long as you're into it, it can be your plane ticket to another country, or rocket out of this world, a time machine to a different, happier time or even a space ship to another universe-

I stop typing there to take a sip of my coffee and actually read what I'm writing, I don't want to make a fool of myself. The double glass door chime, indicating someone has entered the cafe and just like the many times I've stretched my head to look if she's the one coming in, I do it. I came here a sbit early, immediately after work, because this thing was stressing the fuck out of me. I needed to be done with it, so there I was dressed in my work clothes still, which consisted of a thigh-lengethed light blue tennis skirt and the same shade of blue off-shoulder crop top, figured it'd do me justice when it came to the hot summer weather. My hair was still held in a pony tail from work though some locks of it were really giving me a hard time and I had to constantly push them behind my ear, my shoes waren't any higher today than they were yesterday.

When the door chimes this time, I have a muffin stuffed in my mouth, enjoying the warm chocolate melt in mouth, although the feeling isn't as remarkable as when I finally see her walk in here. She's wearing a plain grey t-shirt, I am begining to think it's her favourite colour, it compliments those eyes, a black bomber jacket on top, I see someone has no respect for the weather, and black cargo pants that look too damn good on her, and of course she's wearing boots. This girl doesn't respect the weather, it respects her. Her dirty blonde hair is held in a neat pony tail, exposing the shaved back and her percings on both of her ears. Just like I remember her... beautiful.

I Wanna Be Yours (GirlxGirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang