Silly argument.

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I yawn loudly and make a point to stretch my arms and feet, groaning a little then sigh loudly when I see the ring on my hand, I bring it close to my face studying it and rotating it. It had some certain pattern to it, I just couldn't figure it out with my sleepy eyes, I felt so giddy and excited though. I sit up a smile on my face then almost piss my pants when I notice Bunk standing by the doorway studying me a small knowing smile on her face and a mug in her hands.

"So I take it you didn't go to Tristan's last night". My eyes widen, the sleep suddenly drained out of them.

"Holy shit... Trist!" I scrumble to the floor for my jeans and take my phone out and the moment I light it and see the almost 15 missed calls from Tristan I almost cry. "Jesus fucking christ". Bunk watches me in amusement, she knows I fucked up, I know I fucked up, Tristan knows I fucked up... the whole world knows I fucked up. I immediately call him as Bunk welcomes herself into my room and sits on my bed just watching me.

"It's nice to know you're not dead" is the first thing that Tristan greets me with and guilt knocks me hard like nausea after a crazy drunken night.

"Hey" I sigh "I'm sorry, I got carried away last night at the bar and got home late-". I stop when I see the smile on B's face.

"Okay" he was mad, ofcourse he was, I ditched our plans and didn't even text to tell him, poor Trist "So you were with Bunk ?".

I stay silent, I cant lie, but the truth that I was with a girl which he doesn't know is worse than a lie "Can we just have lunch today and I'll explain ?". I hear him sigh heavily.

"I'll order pizza, come to mine?" he asks and I feel slightly just a bit better.

"Yeah, of course" then he hungs up almost immediately and I try to exhale some guilt but it doesn't work.

"Coffee?" B stretches the mug over to me and I sit on the bed and take the mug away from her. "So... what were you up to last night ?" she raises her eyebrows at me. Fuck.

"I was going to head over to Trist's I swear, but K offered to get me drunk for my company and who can say no to drinks ?" I sip my coffee, long and hard, the last part was a lie and we all knew it, even you know it.

"You couldn't say no to drinks huh ?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Okay" I give in "Her, it was her, but her company is amazing and I just couldn't say no B".

"Hey, I'm not Tristan bitch, I'm your bestfriend, now tell me how the night was?" they smile.

"Amazing" I cry out "We just talked, she told me her stories I told her mine, we laughed almost the whole time, hell I didn't want the night to end but it did". Bunk sighs heavily and longingly.

"I am so proud of you" she places a hand over her heart and this brings me back to reality in which she was forcing some love agenda and I had a boyfriend.

"Shut up, we're just friends" I slap her hand and her eyes widen as something catches them.

"If you tell me she gave you one of her rings I will die" she announces and I smile remembering the ring on my left hand.

"Shut you dramatic whore" I try to contain my emotions.

"She gave you a ring?!".

"Yess" I finally say covering my mouth to hide the smile and B squeals.

"Damn I knew I was making out with the wrong person that night at the bar" she announces and I know it was meant to be funny but instead this worried me.

"Why? date gone wrong?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Hell no, it was amazing" she yells pushing me by the shoulder making me almost spill my coffee "But you don't see me with a goddamn ring do you?".

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