You're fucking hired Happy congratulations.

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"So..." I look up from my phone to Bunk "Thought of a day to go pick your shit up ?". Ugh, I should've left the moment I met Williams outside this damn shop. But I decided to keep B company for a while before I had to go see Karma and here I was getting questioned. By my own best friend. Talk about betrayal.

"What's it to you ?" I look back down at my phone and proceed scrolling through Instagram.

"Don't get all bitchy on me love, I just want to know what your plans are". I look back at her to find her standing by the sink her hands raised in defence as she eyes me with a frown on her face.

 "I don't know what my plans are B". I snap then groan a bit covering me face with my hand, although I was killing it at being jobless, I hated being jobless, I hated having nothing to do, feeling like I had no purpose in life, like I was headed no where. I hated it. "I dont even know how to start the job searching process, I mean will I even get a job ?". I didn't regret quitting don't get me wrong. I just don't like this.

"Yes you will, I mean cammon you're amazing at what you do" they say and I look up, watching them as they approach me wiping their hands with a towel. "Oh" her eyes widen suddenly like she's just thought of something big.

"What ?" I push her to speak up and she smiles her eyebrows raised as she points the front reception area of the tattoo shop.

"Listen, Diane just fired the reception bitch for coming to work drunk a bunch of times, you can apply for that job before you find one that you really want" she literally screams sounding so excited about her idea. I frown.

"Me ?" they nod "Work as a receptionist in a tattoo shop ?", they nod again the smile widening as they now stand right in front of me. "What would I even be doing ?" there was a lot to think about here.

"I dont know, handling appointments, answering emails, filling in paper work, managing inventory of the shop supplies, you love that shit" she points me and I frown more confused than ever.

"I love what shit ?". She can't just throw a job my way and expect me to accept it or love it.

"It doesn't matter Haps, it'll be just for the time being and you'll be working in the same place as me, I know you, of course you'll do great with all that shit" she waves her hands like crazy her smile wide and I sigh.

"Tone it down babe, I haven't even considered it and who says I'll get the job ?" I scoff "I don't think I'm even qualified for it".

"Qualified ?" Bunk scoffs "Have you see how Dee looks at you, if I give her this idea, she'll literally do anything to get you working here, you'll be the one considering whether the shop qualifies for you". I frown, I didn't like the sound of that, see I had forgotten what the big problem with getting this job would be. Dealing with her. She was shameless. 

"Exactly B, the way she looks at me and the words she says are inappropriate and she's also the ex of my current girlfriend" my finger taps the screen of my phone as I explain.

"I know, but you don't like her, nor do you see her in that way, I'm sure lover wouldn't have an issue with you working here, besides I'm right here, Dee tries some weird shit and I'll kick her in the balls". My frown hardens.

"But she has no balls !" I find myself yelling and Bunk simply shrugs and plops on the couch next to me.

"All I'm saying is this is a pretty chill job to have before you get what you actually want babe, you won't even have to deal with Dee's perverted ass all the time, and you also won't be idle at home coz I know that kills you". They point at me shrugging in the process, "We can also hang out all day" they add a wink and make a point to poke me in the rib making me swat their hand away and laugh a bit.

I Wanna Be Yours (GirlxGirl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя