Not the 'I can turn a straight girl gay' type.

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"Hey" she laughs nervously, like she was just caught by her girlfriend cheating "You didn't tell me you were coming here today.. in fact-" she looks at her bandmates "No one told me" she says her teeth clenched.

"Surprise" Brandon laughs "I take it you two know each other.. like knoww each other, know each other" he waves his eyebrows and this makes me snort. What the fuck ?

"Ohh, like that ?" Orby raises his eyebrows.

"No, no" K points them "Nothing like that, shut up all of you".

"Hey I didn't say anything" Liam speaks up in a defensive tone next to me.

"Me neither" Jeremy says then smirks "Yet". Did they think that there was something going on between K and I ? Or were they forcing that agenda, kind of like B does.

"You could've told me you're coming today, I would've been here earlier" she says and I feel kind of special. Kind of.

"You'd do that for-".

"I hope these assholes have been nice to you" she speaks over Liam. I dont know, I like it when they make her uncomfortable by insinuating there's something between us. It's funny.

"Yeah, they're fine.. they got me yoghurt" I show K the yoghurt in my hands and she nods smiling.

"We wouldn't mistreat your girlfriend" Brandon winks at K. Huh, so she is getting a taste of what I am with Bunk.

"Shut the fuck up, now are we doing this or not ?" she sighs and Liam stands up picking his bass from the floor.

"I thought the only thing you wanna do is Brandon's mom" Liam laughs.

"I can do both" K shrugs and they all laugh musically again. K walks towards me, she was dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and a shirt on top. She looked amazing like her usual self.

"I'm sorry about that, I swear I didn't tell anyone you were my girlfriend, Brandon just assumed-" she bends down, placing her arms on either of my sides carefully on the couch for support and lowers her voice sounding worried and I laugh.

"It's fine, I know what it's like" I tell her, thinking of Bunk and she moves away from my ear and looks at me then smiles, she's so pretty when she smiles "Hey there", I smile. It seems like we hadn't had a proper greeting earlier.

"Hi" her eyes do that checking me out and complimenting me and making my stomach do flips thing "If you know what it's like then brace yourself for more" she says and as if right on cue Liam speaks.

"It's not time for this love birds".

"Though if you want a room, mine is right around the corner and I wouldn't-".

"You're a pervert, shut up" K cuts Shawn off and I am thankful, I can't imagine what he wanted to say.

"I was just being generous, but okay" Shawn raises his hands in defence and K sighs walking to her bandmates who were now all standing by the drum set.

"We wanted to practise but if you're in a hurry, you can do you're thing first then leave.. we don't wanna keep you here" Brandon tells me and I wave him off.

"No worries, you guys just do your thing". Was I getting a private show ?. I'm excited.

I don't know what I expected when they said practise but it wasn't this.. there was barely any singing, Jeremy was playing his drums at the back absent minded, Orby and Liam seemed to be in their own world playing their own tunes and Brandon and K seemed to be arguing the whole time. Brandon would struggle to teach K some certain notes and when she failed she would get frustrated and release a string of curses causing an argument. This particular song also didn't seem to be familiar at all so maybe it was their song... K said that Brandon was working on a new song so I was guessing this was it.

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