Huh... I feel unsafe.

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                                                       HAPPY'S POV

After my parents left and my leave of work ended is when it hit me... I am jobless, I haven't been jobless since I finished college. At this point I would question whether quitting was really a good idea but when I recall how idiotic Tristan acted, I don't regret shit. I lost all my respect for him and I don't think I'd be able to work with him after that whole thing. Besides, I got experience and I'm a really good journalist, I can get a job.

The thing I'm worried about most at the moment is going back to work to get my stuff, K has offered to take me and I obviously can't say no to that. But I still don't think I'm ready to see him or my co-, ex co-workers, so I've been procrastinating and giving K excuses every time she pushes that idea or brings it up. And by pushing I mean K would give me this look that either translated to 'when's it going to be ?', 'Are you ready ?' or 'Can you take off that dress ?'. Not sure which of those it was. She never asked with her mouth but I could feel the question. Or maybe I was pushing myself ?

Anyway, fuck that, I was busy today, I couldn't go get my stuff because I was going to visit B at work, I mean what kind of friend doesn't know where their friend works ? Since she got this job I haven't paid her visit to distract her or talk her into giving me a free ass tattoo. I mean I was busy with my parents and all but now, I had nothing going on. Nothing at all. 

So I'm up by 11, which might I add, my next job should allow me to arrive at work in the afternoon because waking up at 11 is refreshing as fuck. I take a long slow shower, dealing with my hair first then body, before rinsing off everything and drying myself and finding my hair dryer. After I'm done with my messy hair, I apply light make up and dress up, I was planning to bring B some lunch and after spending some time with her, go wake K up and make sure she consumes food before heading to work.

See, I never thought being responsible for someone and taking care of them would be fun and make me feel whole until, I had to be responsible for K and I love it. I love being there for her and doing things for her, reminding her to eat, waking her up, making sure she at least arrives to places on time, hold her to sleep, treat her like the angel she is. I loved all of it, I loved her. 

Now enough about my angelic girlfriend, I park my car on the curb and look at the chain of buildings to my right, squinting to be able to read the signs in the mid-day sun. I've never been here and B could've fucked up giving me an address you know. I can see a coffee shop, and next to it what seems to be a gym, a bakery... uh huh, my eyes widen as they land on the dark sign with a slim hand holding a needle that seems to have traced the name 'Will's tats' . Huh, I smoothen my thigh length skirt and grab my handbag which had B's lunch that consisted of a vegetable salad and a half drunk smoothie.. what ?, it was so good, she's lucky she's even getting half of it.

I slam my car door shut and walk to the shop, with dark tainted glass doors, what was with tattoo shops being dark ? I reach for the handle ready to pull it but like a magic door it opens, almost hitting me and I have to act fast and move back.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry" someone speaks and I look away from the moving door to the female in front of me. She seems a bit too familiar, the dark hair, the smug smile as she eyes me like we've known each other for a long time. I mean last I saw her it was a bit dark, now I could see her ocean blue eyes and friendly smile, a piercing on her lip, and oh, is that a neck tattoo to see ?

"Bunk told me she was getting a visit, didn't know it was from an angel" she remarks eyeing me up and down and I frown.

"What are you doing here Williams? or do you prefer Diane?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she takes a step outside, searching her pockets and taking out a cigarette and lighter. She was almost the same height as K but shorter, her hair curly and wavy going down her shoulders, she looked a bit muscular though. She was wearing a pretty loose t-shirt, that exposed a bit of that neck tattoo on the right side of her neck.

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