Earn yourself a kick to the balls.

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And that's how I ended up sited next to Tristan and my dad, zoned out, as I watch Tristan laugh and kiss my parent's ass. It all happened so fast, Tristan ignoring my tight grip and glare, my mom welcoming him to sit with us and him acting like everything is normal as he pulls a seat for me. Worse of all when the band went up on stage Karma wasn't with them, leading me to believe she left. Tonight was supposed to be the night she gets to know my parents but now Tristan made it his night, he made it his fucking night when he was supposed to be out of my life.

I look away from his ugly laughing face to B who was staring right at me, I watch as she glares at Trist then looks back at me and I glare at Trist and look back at them, yes.. we were communicating. They shake their head and frown nodding towards Tristan and I roll my eyes and push my chair back knowing exactly what I had to do.

"Tristan can I talk to you." I manage a clenched smile as I stand up "In private" I add when he looks up at me.

"Why ? Is there something wrong babe ?" he smiles a bit.

"What's wrong Happy ? is there a problem ? I invited him since he always seems to be busy during the weekdays according to you" my mother speaks up. Ofcourse she did this.

"Nothing is wrong mom", everything is, "I just want to speak to him in private".

"But... can't it wait, I mean you have eternity with me but we don't have time with you parents very often". Tristan plays the dummy he is, and my mom laughs placing a hand over her chest but says nothing as she looks at Tristan beaming with pride.

"Careful now, people get kicked in the balls for not listening to their apparent girlfriends, I wouldn't want that to be you". Bunk chirps in and though everyone laughs at this, Trist, B and I know very well that was a threat that would be executed if necessary. Tristan raises his hands in defence and stands up chuckling along with my mom and dad and ignoring B and I's glares.

"Excuse us a bit" I smile at my parents and grab Tristan's arm making sure my nails dug deep into his flesh as I pull him outside with me.

"Ow ! what the hell Haps ?" he has the audacity to frown and pull away from my grip.

"Wh-" I scoff " What thee hell Tristan, what the fuck are you doing ?!" I stretch my hands out and I know I hate yelling but I was pissed rightnow. "Who do you fucking think you are ?!, You think you can just walk in and grab me then kiss me when you know very well that we aren't dating anymore ?!". I raise my eyebrows at him, I know very well that I was being loud but I don't care. "And with her there too, you know I'm with her and you do that right when she's there, what the fuck is wrong with you ?" fuck pointing him, I poke him on the chest.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me ?" he scoffs holding onto my hand and I pull it away from his grip "Your mother has been calling me since they got here and I figured that you needed my help to get them off your back-".

"Did I fucking ask for your help ?" I frown.

"No but you don't need to" he takes a step closer to me and I don't make a move to move back, oh how I wanted to spit on his face. "So what ? you were going to introduce that dyke to them ?" he scoffs. My heart race increases, my whole body becomes hot with pure rage.

"Tristan I swear to the fucking heavens call her that one more time and I'll-".

"You'll do what ?" he takes another step towards me challenging me. "You couldn't even stand up to me and tell me off for her this evening when I kissed you right in front of her, and what did she do ?, she walked away like the coward dyke she is". Deep breaths Haps, deep breaths. I was controlling myself, not only because I knew how it felt when someone laid their hands on you, but also because if I did that to Tristan rightnow, I wouldn't be able to stop until an ambulance got here. "Face it, your parents love me, they would never accept that dyke, and I'm doing you a favour babe, you don't wanna lose your parents now, do you ?".

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