"Your Mom said for me to stay with you and watch you" Schmitt said as we arrived into my Mom's office.
"Yeah of course she did" I said sitting down on the spinning office chair.
"So what do you want to do?" Schmitt asked as he sat on the chair opposite me.
"Honestly nothing" I said looking up from my phone.
"Why don't I call Jo to bring some ice cream and snacks?" Schmitt said pulling out his phone.
"I like that idea" I said feeling a bit happier.
"Harper I brought ice cream, chips and is it okay if Luna joins us?" Jo said as she pushed Luna's stroller into the office.
I nodded running up to Luna's stroller taking her out.

I'm good with kids, they calm me I can seem to make better friends with them than people my own age. I sat with Luna on the floor as she kept feeding me spoons of ice cream.

"Luna I think Harper has had enough ice cream" Jo said picking Luna up.
"No it's okay, Luna is cute" I said eating some spoonfuls of ice cream.
Jo smiled and placed Luna back on the floor who waddled over to hug me.
Mine, Schmitt's and Jo's faces lit up with cuteness.

Link strolled in with Scout holding his Dad's hand.
"Heard we were having ice cream and snacks, I brought Scout" Link said as Scout ran up to me.
"Hwarpwer" He said as he joined me and Luna.

"Hwarpwer sing" Scout said excitedly.
"Err no I don't sing" I said giggling
"Yes you do" Scout pointed out.
"Wait you sing?" Link said looking at me.
"Err kind of" I said a bit anxious
"Come on give us a song I wanna hear" Jo said as she pulled the chair closer.
"I guess" I said as I tried to remember a song.
I started to sing Cardigan- Taylor Swift

As I finished the song perfectly there was a sound of applause.
"Wow Harper, your voice is beautiful" Jo said smiling
"Harper that is a talent, you should so do a gig or something maybe I can play guitar and you sing some time?" Link said as he seemed rather impressed
Scout and Luna seemed rather amused.


I walked into my office to see Jo, Schmitt, Link, Harper, Scout and Luna eating ice cream, singing and dancing.

"Schmitt what the hell you we're supposed to keep an eye on Harper, she's in here for a reason" I said angrily.
"Sorry Dr Shepherd I" Schmitt said, I interrupted "I don't want to hear it everyone out" I said keeping the door open gesturing for them to leave.

Harper attempted to leave, "Ah, Ah Harper you're staying here" I said keeping her behind.

"Ughh" Harper sighed as she stormed onto the small couch.

"Harper you realise that flipping off my co workers and showing me up at work isn't acceptable" I said sternly but calmly.

"I know and I'm sorry, I guess I just get thoughts, impulses and I kind of lose control a bit" Harper said as I pulled my teenager into a hug.

"Whenever you feel like this try and tell me, with your ADHD I understand you might get angry or impulsive more easily and we can find ways to help with that" I said stroking my teenagers hair.


After my Mom's shift at the hospital we headed home Maggie was cooking dinner and I felt myself slipping into my own world, I needed to watch A Kind of Spark, I needed to feel better again.

"Dinner is ready" I heard aunt Maggie shout, I ignored this and carried on watching A Kind of Spark.

Mom came running upstairs, "Hey dinner's ready" Mom said standing in my door way.
I remained hyper focused on my TV, watching A Kind of Spark always helps me, I can get so focused on it, it almost feels real.
"Harper" Mom said, I looked at her and looked back at the TV.
"Harper come on" Mom said again.
"I'm watching TV" I said still very focused on the screen.
"Harper you can pause it" Mom said grabbing my remote.
"No this is my favourite part, Addie does her speech on her autism and why she should get the witch memorial it's a magical episode" I said as I stayed focused on the TV
"Harper you have seen the show 100s of times, you know each and every line I'm sure pausing it won't make you forget what happens" Mom said as she paused the TV.
"NOO" I yelled as I snatched the remote back from Mom.
"Harper" She warned, "You need to come eat dinner" She frowned.

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