Chapter 29.

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Jeff told Tyler last night that he was not ready for anything serious and basically rejected Tyler's proposal. Tyler was still upset the next morning; he actually slept on the couch because he just didn't want to be next to Jeff last night. Jeff didn't actually realize that Tyler slipped out that night because Tyler pretended that everything was okay. He knew that Jeff was really upset with Joe and still called him his fiance. Tyler knew there's a part of Jeff that's still in love with Joe. And he also knows that Joe is still pretty much in love with Jeff, even though he brought Billie on a date with him last night. Tyler decided to take a shower in the guest bedroom and use his spare suit from his study room so he could avoid talking to Jeff that morning. But of course he cannot really avoid Jill. Jill always wake up really early to get Jay to school. Tyler told Jill a couple days ago that he's going to propose to Jeff. So obviously, Jill tried to find out if Jeff agreed to Tyler's proposal last night.
It's been a few weeks since Oliver disappeared, and Jill came home with blood on her. The police have not yet managed to find Oliver. And Tyler knew that Myla had gone back undercover to the compound of the homophobic group that's probably also connected to the cartel that took Oliver. Even though Myla said that Oliver might be dead, Tyler feels like it's most likely they will use Oliver. Oliver is a doctor, and Tyler is familiar with crime organizations that always need a doctor by their side. The only thing that he's wondering is if Myla is okay. Myla's pregnancy is still in the first trimester, which makes Tyler a little anxious that she's still working undercover. But he also knows that Myla is a strong lady, and she really takes pride in her job, both as a cop and as an FBI agent now. The other thing that's also on Tyler's mind is that since Oliver's missing, Jill had to find another job because the clinic is temporarily closed. Sometimes it's not easy for Tyler to take care of Jill and Jay because he also needs to take care of Jeff. Sometimes he felt like Jeff wanted more of his attention, and he just could not give it to him. The only good news that he had the past few weeks was that Chris and Rene finally took a DNA test and confirmed that the baby was Chris'. Chris and Rene are back together, and Tyler feels like they are happier than before.
"So, how was the proposal last night?" Jill asked.
"I don't want to talk about it, Jill." Tyler shook his head. "I'm heading out. See you in the evening." He smiled awkwardly and left.
Tyler was surprised to see Billie waiting in his office as he arrived. Emily dragged him away before he reached his office. "Okay, you need to spill to me the reason that Billie Moss is in your office." She stared at Tyler.
"I gave him my card last night, so I have no idea why he's there. I need to talk to him." Tyler pushed Emily away gently. He walked to his office, and of course Billie hugged him after he said hello to the rockstar. "Why are you here?" He asked Billie.
"Hm.. I want you to be my lawyer. Also, Joe has the thickest dick I have ever seen. He fucked me so good that I can barely walk today." Billie played with his pink mini skirt.
"Okay, I am not so sure why you added those last parts. What do you want me to represent you for? Because last I know, you live in California, and I don't even have a license there." Tyler scoffed.
"Well, just move to California with me and Joe then. Come on, it will be fun! I have a big mansion and everything. Jeff is such a cutie too; I would like to taste him in the future." Billie giggled.
Tyler blinks a couple of times. It was not an awful offer for him, but he just can't say it for Jeff. Tyler knew that, even though Jeff denied it, Jeff fell in love both with him and Joe. A few days ago, he realized that was not such a bad thing after all. He and Joe were always interested in having a threesome or foursome with Jeff, but of course Jeff, the monogamous man, always rejected that idea.
"My firm is here, and I can't just leave." He smiled at Billie; he knew how rich Billie Moss was, and Billie would be able to easily get him out of the firm and move to California in a blink of an eye.
"Yes, you can! Look, I think I am in love with Joe, and I really want you and Jeff to be a part of our lives." Billie winked at Tyler.
"I have to talk with Jeff first, and I can't really get out of the firm; I am tight on cash. I don't want to do this to you, Billie." Tyler hesitated.
"Nonsense. I'll write an empty check for you. I don't care how much you need; I will pay for it." Billie smiled.
"Why are you so nice to us?" Tyler wanted to kiss Billie because he's just so pretty.
"Last night, I knew that I had to have Joe forever, and if I needed to take you and Jeff with us, I would do it in a heartbeat. It's funny that I fell in love with the man who used to be Myla's partner." He blushed.
"You know Myla?" Tyler was shocked that Billie knew her.
"She's the love of my life." Billie looks so sad suddenly.
"And I assumed this was years ago?" Tyler felt bad if he slept with Myla while she was with Billie.
"Yeah, but I could never forget about her." Billie grabbed Tyler's hand. "Do you know her?" He looked at Tyler.
"I do, and I care about her so much. I just don't think she's into relationships. I'm surprised that she dated you. She seems like the opposite of you, but maybe it's the opposite attraction." Tyler chuckled.
"Can I kiss you?" Billie looked at Tyler with puppy eyes.
"I don't think so, Billie. I mean, you are cute and stunning, actually. But I really love Jeff." Tyler smiled bitterly. If he wasn't in a relationship with Jeff, he was surely going to date Billie in a heartbeat.
Billie smiled. "What if I visit Jeff and ask him what he wants? Are you okay with that?" He touched Tyler's knee with his hand.
"I suppose you can. I don't even know who we are anymore, to be honest. He kind of pushed me away again last night. He was pretty upset with how Joe reacted." Tyler sighed.
"Great! I am heading to your apartment then. Where are you living again?" Billie smiled.
Tyler wrote down his address and gave it to Billie. "He probably won't recognize you, though. He has prosopagnosia. I'll text Jill to let you in." Tyler grabbed his phone, but when he turned around, Billie was right next to him. Billie kissed Tyler's cheek gently. Then he left.
Jill opened the door and saw the famous rock star smile at her. He was so handsome yet cute in his pink mini skirt. Billie hugged Jill before he realized that she's pregnant, which made Billie a little sad. Billie decided to freeze some of his sperm, then got a vasectomy since he slept with so many people. He doesn't really want to have kids anymore after losing his baby with Myla. Besides all these years, you never really find anyone as special as Myla. Now he's wondering if Jill's baby was Tyler's because he doesn't know if he can commit to having a baby too.
"So, the baby is Tyler's?" Billie asked.
"I'm not that lucky. It's not his. He just helped me deal with the baby daddy. Then he asked me and my son to move into his apartment so I could avoid the commute from New Jersey every day. Oh, my other son is not his either. Tyler is just such a nice person." Jill stopped. She looked at Jeff with a little disappointment.
Jeff stared back at Jill. They talked a little after Tyler was gone and before Billie came. Jill told Jeff that if Jeff couldn't love Tyler back, she would gladly date Tyler and give him all the love he needed. That surely upset Jeff. Jeff felt like anything he did at this point would hurt either Tyler or Joe. He once felt what Tyler felt before; he fell in love with both men at the same time. Jeff realized that Tyler didn't sleep on their bed last night, and he felt horrible for rejecting Tyler's proposal. Jeff felt bad because he knew how much Tyler has sacrificed all these years for him, yet he can't even let go of his fling with Joe.
Billie walked toward Jeff and hugged him. "You look so cute today, Jeffy." He smiled.
"Tyler texted me about you coming here, but I have no idea why you are here." Jeff sighed.
"I am inviting you and Tyler to move with me and Joe to California. I have a big mansion, and I really like it if you would like to move in with us." Billie leaned into Jeff and teased him.
Jeff stared at Billie. "I'm not moving to California. I think I'll just go back to Wisconsin. I think you will make Tyler really happy. I just make him and Joe upset every time." He felt that his tears had escaped from his eyes.
Billie stared back, and then he suddenly pressed his lips against Jeff. "You are hurt and broken just like me." He whispered. "Jeff, Joe told me last night that I deserve to be happy too. So now I will say the same thing. You need to feel happy. If having both Joe and Tyler is what you want, you know that those men would do anything for you, right? I saw it last night; they both love you dearly." Billie kissed Jeff again.
Jeff smiled a little. "Fine. We'll move to California." He pressed his lips against Billie's soft lips. For once, he felt free and happy. Maybe Tyler was right all along; he needs to have multiple men in his life.
"You'll move to California? What about me?" Jill felt like her world was falling apart. She doesn't have anyone else but Tyler since Oliver disappeared.
"Oh, you can stay here. I can pay for the apartment." Billie smiled.
"I need Tyler, not your money. I can't raise my two kids alone." She felt her anger creeping up on her.
"You want us to bring your two kids with us to California? You must be dreaming." Jeff scoffed.
"You dated Oliver too; don't act like he is not charming for you too!" Jill yelled at Jeff.
"I'll get you a nanny. Just let us sort this out, and you'll be taken care of. Okay?" Billie got a little impatient because he definitely doesn't want kids in his house, especially one that's not his.
"You can't just throw money at every problem!" Jill yelled at Billie.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Jill? Billie has been nothing but nice, and you yelled at him." Jeff hugged Billie tightly.
Billie smiled as Jeff defended him. He felt weird that he met three new men the past few days, and all of them are such sweet and handsome gentleman. His bandmate was the only person who would defend him and care for him, and suddenly, three days after he met Joe, the number of people who care for him has doubled. Billie always knew that he was more of a gay man than straight on the spectrum of his sexuality. He likes it when big, strong men dominate him in the bedroom. He rarely ever sees a man like Joe, who's gentle yet dominant. Maybe he just never met someone who actually cares for him. Billie turned to Jeff and buried his face in his chest. He can feel Jeff hugging him and rubbing his back, then kissing the top of his head. The last person that did this to him was Myla, and funnily enough, Myla was the one that introduced him to these men.
"Hey, are you okay, Billie? Do you want me to bring you to the bedroom and rest for a bit?" Jeff whispered. Billie nodded weakly.
"Oh, fuck you, Jeff! You rejected Tyler, and now you are trying to get your way with Billie! Don't you even have some feelings for him? You always dumped him when you found someone rich!" Jill yelled at Jeff.
Jeff wants to yell back at Jill, but he just doesn't care much for it. He led Billie to the master bedroom instead. He let Billie lay down on his side and excused himself to call Tyler. Tyler picked up the call within two rings.
"Hey.." Jeff greeted Tyler awkwardly.
"Hey baby, what's up?" Tyler was greeted with some excitement.
"What are you so excited about?" Jeff was a little concerned.
"Oh, um.. Jill texted me that you agreed to Billie's proposal. Oh, I mean..." Tyler felt a little awkward because he remembered he proposed to Jeff, and he said no yesterday.
"I didn't actually want to say no to your proposal yesterday. I'm just so confused because I love you and I still have feelings for Joe. I feel I betrayed you." Jeff finally told his truth.
"You just need to talk to me; I told you that over and over again. I don't mind sharing with you if that's what you want." Tyler sighed.
Jeff felt Billie suddenly stand up behind him, rubbing his body against Jeff. "Billie." Jeff moaned a little.
"Billie, is she there with you?" Tyler got excited again.
"I.." Jeff tried not to get aroused by Billie rubbing his dick on his buttocks, but he did.
"Hmm.. I want you to take off your clothes, baby. Let Billie feel you." Tyler's breath got a little faster.
Jeff actually felt like this turned him on. Tyler is giving him instructions for him to do something sexy with Billie. Jeff took off his shirt and his pants as Tyler instructed him. He put Tyler on speaker so Billie could hear too. He pushed Billie to the bed and put the phone next to them.
"You are on speaker now, Tyler." Jeff said this before he kissed Billie's lips.
"How's that kiss? Is it nice?" Tyler's voice turned sexual.
"It's nice, but I'm sorry, Billie; Tyler kissed me better than that." Jeff chuckled a little.
Billie felt like he was challenged, so he pulled Jeff closer, slipped his tongue inside Jeff's mouth, and let his tongue swerve with Jeff's. "What about that one?" Billie smiled.
"Sorry Billie.." Jeff smiled, but then he started to suck on Billie's neck. Billie moaned a little.
"Oh, fuck, make him mumble again, please, baby?" Tyler enjoyed how Jeff could finally release his wilder side and do this with Billie.
"I think Billie still has too many clothes on him." Jeff teased Billie to get naked.
Billie tossed his T-shirt right away and exposed his tattooed arms that he gently wrapped around Jeff's hips, pushing Jeff's dick to his crotch, which was barely covered by his short pink skirt. "Jeff, fuck me, please," he pleaded.
"I don't know; it depends if Tyler would let me or not." Jeff said, but he slid down a little and started to suck Billie's nipple.
"Please," Billie pleaded while he moaned again.
"Hm.. I don't know, Billie; you might need to ask a little better. Maybe you should grope his balls while you sucked his nipple, baby." Tyler's breath obviously hitched from the excitement.
Jeff lifted up Billie's skirt, and his hand pushed Billie's balls out of his briefs. Jeff fondled Billie's balls while his lips sucked Billie's nipple, just like Tyler told him to do. Jeff could feel that Billie doesn't exactly have a big dick, but his dick has definitely gotten bigger now.
"Aahh.. Fuck.. please.. please fuck me." Billie pleaded.
"I need more, Billie." Tyler asked again. "Maybe you should put your finger inside him, baby. Fuck his hole with your sweet fingers."
"Oh, yes, please." Billie pulled his legs apart, exposing his butt.
"We need to play with Billie more often when we move in with him, babe. He's an eager one." Jeff smiled and kissed Billie's lips before he grabbed lube and started putting it on his finger.
"Fuck.. I want to see this so badly. Please be a good boy for Jeff, will you, Billie?" Tyler grunts a little.
"Don't worry. You can fuck him when you come home. I'll tie him up with my cum inside him." Jeff grinned.
"Oh fuck, I want that; please do that." Billie pleaded.
"Fuck." Tyler cursed. "Well, I'm sorry, I got to go. I have a client meeting in ten minutes, and I need to not have a hard time. Please fuck Billie well. I love you, Jeff." He hung up right away.
Jeff pulled out a little bit. He heard that Tyler definitely gave him permission to fuck Billie, but he doesn't feel it's right anymore after Tyler hung up. "I'm sorry, Billie."
"What happened?" Billie sat down and stared at Jeff.
"I don't think we should do this." Jeff sighed.
"I understand.." Billie grabbed Jeff's hand. "I actually have a show tonight anyway." Then he chuckled. "But I want you, Joe, and Tyler to be backstage after the show. I'll bring you guys to a different hotel, and we'll do stuff there. What about that?"
Jeff chuckled too. He pressed his lips against Billie and gave him a long, sensual kiss. "We'll be there." He said.

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