Chapter 13.

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Tyler and Myla entered the apartment, and there was a weird sexual tension between them, but Tyler knew he had to check on Jeff. He ran to the bedroom and felt relieved when he saw his boyfriend there. Jeff is his boyfriend now, and he can't treat him this way.
"Baby, I'm sorry.." Tyler held a deep breath. He walked closer to Jeff and then sat on the bed next to Jeff. "Myla, the detective that is working on Lewis' case, asked me to meet her downstairs. And now she's here. It was not good news that she just told me.." Tyler gently rubbed Jeff's naked back.
Jeff stopped his crying. "What happened?" He's now curious about what Myla just told Tyler.
"Teddy Lewis has escaped from prison. She's our protection detail now. I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess.." Tyler sighed.
For a moment, Jeff was taken aback, and while he doesn't always remember Tyler's face, he can still see his expressions. He noticed that Tyler's face was filled with sadness. And he has no reason to be upset with Tyler; his only blunder was telling the homophobic criminal that he was bisexual. So he hugged Tyler because he still loved the man. Most people are unaware that Tyler is a gentle soul on the inside. Jeff, on the other hand, knows Tyler better than anyone else in the world. They shared their first kiss, their first sex, and their first true love with each other.
"Myla suggested that we stay here for the night and just go out of town tomorrow morning. She's here with us now. We should be safe." Tyler holds Jeff's hand.
"Can we sleep? I'm kind of tired." Jeff sighed.
"We are flying back to our family tomorrow.." Tyler knew he could choose any state to go to, and he wanted to face their family instead. At least Jeff would be safe with their family around.
"What? No.. I don't want to come back to our hometown.." Jeff shook his head.
"Why not?" Tyler had no idea why Jeff didn't want to go back to their hometown.
"Most of my family didn't know what happened to me. I can't go back and tell them that I am a disabled man now. Can we just like, travel somewhere? I have my RV. We can drive wherever we want.." Jeff bites his lower lip. 
"I can't risk it. I'm sorry, Jeff.. I don't want you to get hurt again." Tyler held Jeff's hand.
"Fine, but we are not flying back, we use the RV. And we brought Logan along." Jeff bites his lower lip.
"And Myla." Tyler added.
"Fine and Myla." Jeff sighed again. Tyler kissed Jeff and hugged him.
But then there's a loud noise, almost like a gunshot. Myla dashed into the bedroom and motioned for the two men to get ready. Tyler cursed as he took his laptop, important papers, and clothes from the drawer and stuffed them into a duffle bag. Jeff changed his clothes and took his unpacked bags with him. Myla guided them down the fire escape. She shoved them into her car; it's a good thing she didn't bring her motorcycle. She got into her car and drove away as quickly as she could. She has no idea where to take these two men, but she knows she has to leave.
"Can we go to my farm house? I need us to pick up Logan. I don't want to leave him alone again. Please?" Jeff asked Myla
Myla simply nodded. It will be more difficult for her to care for three people, but she knows Joe is at Jeff's farm, so she can seek Joe's assistance in keeping these men safe until Teddy is apprehended. Their sergeant has already agreed to transport them out of town if necessary. Myla doesn't mind following Jeff's advice because he is more polite than Tyler, so she doesn't mind.
Tyler is preoccupied with calling Julia and Emily after they flee his apartment. They didn't know if the gunshots were from Teddy Lewis. Tyler then texted a number of his clients to inform them that he would be out of town for a few days. He advised some clients to contact Rene or Chris, while others were told to contact Emily or Toni. A few clients he still has his hands on, including Clara, will have to be satisfied with video call contact with Tyler. When they arrived at the farm, Tyler was still arranging his work stuffs.
Myla instructed them to follow her and pick up Logan as well as Joe. Jeff offered them the use of his RV as a means of escape. Joe was hesitant, but he knew that gathering these people was preferable to him and Myla going their separate ways and struggling to protect these men. They drove south in the RV.
Tyler, Joe, and Logan doze off in the passenger seat. Jeff drove the RV, and Myla stood guard beside him. They began by driving silently into the night, but as the night progressed, both of them needed to talk to stay awake.
"I slept with Tyler a couple days ago. But it's purely sexual.." Myla stupidly started their conversation with the most ridiculous statement.
"Everyone wants to have sex with him. I know the risk. I have been his best friend since we were in elementary school. But.." Jeff was hesitant to continue.
"That doesn't make it right." Myla filled up the silence.
"He never lied to anyone he dated. We all know that he is a polyamorous man." Jeff sighed.
"It still doesn't make it right." Myla really can't understand why a man as good as Jeff wants to be friends with Tyler, and now even become his boyfriend.
"It does make it right. Because there is nothing wrong with being polyamorous. If his partner can't handle that, then they should not date him." Jeff got a little angry. He hates it when people talk badly about Tyler's preferences. He had his fair share of being with people who cheated on him, and Tyler was not like them. He always got offended if they said, Tyler is the same with those guys.
"You must be really in love with him to say that.." Of course, Myla should have known better than to tease the poor man. But she really dislikes Tyler as a person.
"I always love him. He's a great man, and no matter what, he is my best friend. I would die for him." Jeff clenched his jaws. One of the reasons that he easily forgives Tyler is that he owes his life to Tyler too. Tyler saved his life once before, and Tyler never told anyone about it, not even their parents.
"You already gave up your life for him. And all he did in return was have sex with Chris and me." Myla is still challenging Jeff. She knew she really pushed Jeff's button, but she just pointed out the truth.
"You can mock me all you want, but Tyler and I will always be best friends. We will have our ups and downs, but we will never stop loving each other." Finally, Jeff smiled. The memories of how they always stood up for each other flooded him, and he's happy to call Tyler his best friend.
"You had sex with Tyler?" Suddenly, Joe jumped in.
"Joe!" Myla stared at her partner with a shocked face.
"Yeah she did. It's just sex, and it happened before I patched it up with Jeff. Now leave Jeff alone." Tyler woke up from all the noises. Tyler reached for Jeff's shoulder from behind and squeezed it. "I love you. And I know I'm not perfect, but I would do anything for you." He whispered to Jeff.
"Can we go back to sleep?" Logan finally breaks up the unnecessary fight.

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