Chapter 07.

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"What? Are they in a police precinct?" Reed started to think. "Just bail, guys. Let the two so-called masterminds be in trouble."
"So you are not going to save Lewis?" Nox asked.
"Why would I? That hurts a straight man! We are not that kind of people!" Reed became enraged.
"Let's regroup at my place.." Nox sighed.
"Okay.." Reed hung up and packed his stuff. He wiped away everything he could from his prints and existence.

"I'm heading back to the farm after Logan gets checked.." Jeff said as the police handcuffed Lewis and Chuck.
"Fine.." Tyler held Chris's wrist. He just doesn't want to be the loser that ends up alone again. 
Chris realized that Tyler was holding him and his heart skipped a beat. Tyler dragged Chris away as Jeff walked away with Logan. They sat down in the car, but Tyler didn't start the car.
"I want to stop working as a divorce attorney. I want to be a prosecutor or at least defend someone that needs justice." Tyler finally opened up about what he wanted next.
"You and Rene can open up a firm. And if you do, I will join you and Rene." Chris smiled.
"You know, Rene barely made any money?" Tyler chuckled.
"But Rene does not really do it for the money." Chris knew this because Rene always complained about how much his salary was, which for Chris was ridiculous.
"I gave Rene some of my salary. Because his cases barely gave him anything." Tyler smiled bitterly.
"So you don't want to go back to Wisconsin anymore?" Chris raised his eyebrows.
"I don't know.. I want to be with you, and I can't just drag you there. You are a great lawyer." Tyler pressed his lips.
"Let's go there for a week and figure this out. Maybe we will stay in Wisconsin after all.." Chris chuckled.
"Okay, let's get back to our place first. I will pick you up in an hour." Tyler finally started his car. Chris nodded.
When he was back at his penthouse, Tyler felt some sadness sink in. He missed the idea that Jeff would be with him forever. He used to think that Jeff was always his back-up plan. But now, Jeff is happy with his new man at the same time that Tyler wanted him. He talked to his maid, chef, and driver to pack his stuff and put it in storage and some to be sold with his penthouse. He said goodbye to all of them. Because whether he likes it or not, he can't afford to spend anymore.
He packed important stuff in a couple suitcases and put it all on his truck. He has a truck and a regular sedan. He will sell his sedan and maybe even leave his truck in Wisconsin. He doesn't know if he wants to stay there or not, anyway. His phone suddenly buzzed, and Jill texted him. He doesn't want to stay and imagine a fake future with Jill again. He wants to have a baby on his own with Jeff. And his mind kept coming back to his best friend, so he hopped in and started the engine. He is leaving his life behind, and maybe his heartbreak feels a little better. He stared at Jeff's numbers. He wanted to dial that number so badly. It's funny that he was always there when Jeff had his heart broken, but this time he has his heart broken and he can't contact Jeff.
As he drove away, he looked at his life one last time. He loves his life, but his heartbreak made him realize that he was not that happy in his old life after all. He's a rich divorce lawyer who hides his sexuality. He had a beautiful girl next to him every day, but he had never loved anyone as much as he loved Jeff.

"Jeff, why are you pouting? We just had sex." Oliver sighed.
"I just lost my best friend. Just leave me alone, Oli." Jeff turned around. He kept second guessing why he chose Oliver instead of the man he loved for so long. Suddenly, his phone rang, and he picked it up because it was his mom. "Hey, mom.."
"So, Tyler is here with his boyfriend, and it's not you. You have some explaining to do." For once, Mel sounds angry.
"Why are you doing this?" Jeff stood up and walked out of the bedroom. Leaving Oliver alone and angry.
"Well, I want Tyler to be my son-in-law! Jeff, come on. Why don't you be his boyfriend?" Mel is so disappointed with his son now.
"Mom.. I have a boyfriend. I can't just dump him for Tyler. Have you seen Tyler now? He's rich and handsome. He will never really be mine. I would rather stick with someone that actually wants me." Jeff knew that he had his chance with Tyler, but Tyler is not monogamous like him, so he couldn't say that to his mom.
"Oh, come on. Tyler was crying to me when he explained that you rejected him and he was willing to give up everything." Mel still doesn't understand why Jeff didn't pick Tyler.
"I can't do this, mom. I'm upset about losing him as my friend, and I just want to be with my boyfriend now. Good night.." Jeff just wanted this to end.
"All right.. suit yourself.. night." Mel hung up.
Jeff stared at his phone. He wanted to call Tyler so badly and told him that he wanted him. But he also wants Oliver. He turned around and saw Oliver already dressed and outside the bedroom.
"Are you leaving?" Jeff asked
"Yeah.. I'm not into this relationship anymore. You didn't seem pleased with us, so..." Oliver sighed.
"I rejected Tyler, because I love you. Yes, I am a little upset now, but I gave up my dream of being with Tyler for you." Jeff finally admitted it.
"So, you want to be with him?" Oliver stared at Jeff.
"Yes, but I choose you. Please don't go?" Jeff really felt bad now.
"I'm not going to be your second choice.." Oliver said.
"You are not! He went back to Wisconsin because I choose you. How can I explain this to you? I want you!" Jeff started to yell. He's tired of everyone giving him such a hard time.
"Fine, but I'm staying in the guest bedroom. I'm tired.." Oliver went to the guest bedroom.
Jeff still stared at his phone. He decided to call his best friend. The first try, Tyler didn't pick it up, and the second one, Chris picked it up instead of Tyler.
"What do you want, Jeff?" Chris asked.
"I just want to talk to him." Jeff sat down in the sofa.
"No.. you shoved him away. He's mine now." Chris started to sound a little possessive.
"Just give the phone back to Tyler please?" Jeff rubbed his chin as if he had a headache.
Chris chuckled, "Tyler gave me the phone."
"I just want to say I'm sorry to Tyler, please?" Jeff sighed.
"Good night.." Chris hung up.

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