Chapter 18

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Jeff is trying to nervously fix his tie for the hundredth time. He was sitting in a big penthouse on the upper east side. Joe said that this is one of their smallest houses, but his father likes to stay there because it's close to Freetech Tower. Joe kept laughing at how nervous Jeff was about doing this dinner because his dad would love him. He knows this because his dad will be impressed by Jeff's knowledge of IT and cyber security. Joe knows that Jeff is really good at what he does, and his father would love to see him take someone who talks the same way as his dad. Joe also knew that his father would be overjoyed to hear that he was leaving the force. His father was trying to be as supportive as he could be when Joe was picked to be a police officer instead of continuing his father's business. Joe only has one sibling, and Rob is as determined as Joe not to follow in their father's footsteps. Rob is a cardiologist now, a very successful one.
Finally, Bill arrived, and he hugged his son. Bill is in his fifties and has a muscular build. Bill shaved his head because he knew he was about to go bald anyway. Bill stared at Jeff for a few moments. For once, his younger son didn't bring some snobby lawyer or Wall Street guy. This guy looks like one of Bill's employees at his e-commerce company.
"I'm Jeff.." Jeff offered his hand. He just hoped that his hand was not too sweaty from his nervousness.
Bill smiled and hugged Jeff right away. "Something tells me you are in the tech business too?" He stared at Jeff from top to bottom.
"I am, or at least I was. I had some bad things happen to me and now I work as a consultant for the NYPD's forensic in the IT department." Jeff smiled bitterly.
"Lewis' gang gave him a head injury." Joe clenched his jaws. He still wants to hurt Lewis and his gang.
"Holy crap. Are you still involved in that case? I really don't like it? Look, you know you don't need to work a day in your life, right? I will give you all the money in the world. Just stay away from criminals like Lewis. Especially because you are gay." Bill shook his head.
"That's actually one of the things I want to talk to you about.." Joe held his breath.
He waved his hand to call the maid, and he asked her to bring them their dinner. He sat next to Joe. "Are you finally quitting your job?" Bill grinned.
"Actually, yes. I just did. I want to be a prosecutor. I want to continue to go to law school.." When Joe exhaled, he played with his glass of water because of his nerves.
"Really?! That's great news, son!" Bill slapped Joe's back almost too enthusiastically. "Whatever you need, I will pay for it!" He is happy that Joe finally did something less dangerous.
"Could you give Jeff a job?" Joe holds his breath for a moment. He hates this. He dislikes asking for money from his dad.
"That's easy enough, and how much do you need for your school? Do you want to go to Harvard?" Bill grinned.
"I'm not going to Boston.." Joe rolled his eyes. "And if you give Jeff a job, I don't need you to pay anything. I'm going to NYU." He pursed his lips.
"Oh, you should go to Columbia at least. And I will pay for everything. Why are you like that? All my money is yours." Bill shrugged.
"I'm from MIT and my best friend is a lawyer from Harvard. I think it would be great if Joe went to Harvard." Jeff smiled bitterly. He looked away from Joe. He knew Joe would be mad at him. But getting Joe the best education that he can get would be the best move.
"You are from MIT? Why didn't you apply to Freetech before?" Bill was weirded out. With his qualifications, Jeff should be a great candidate for his company.
"I have been working for a small security company since I graduated, and I never really thought much about getting a new job until I was fired. And before you judge me for the worse, I got fired for missing a lot of days of work because my brain got messed up." Jeff smiled bitterly. "But, I understand if you don't want me to work for you. I do want to put your son in the best college though." Jeff squeezed Joe's hand, but Joe pushed Jeff's hand away.
"I'm not going to Harvard like your snobby ex." Joe stared at Jeff.
Jeff sighed and smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry. I'm just suggesting.."
Bill never really sees most of Joe's boyfriend, but it looks like Jeff is a people-pleaser and he doesn't really like that kind of attitude. He likes men with some assertiveness. But he can also see why Joe got along with Jeff.
"What ex?" Bill raised his eyebrows. He's curious who this ex-Jeff is.
"Um.. I don't really want to talk about him." Jeff looks sad. He knew Joe was already upset without even bringing up Tyler.
"You usually like to talk about him every five seconds?" Joe started to get irritated with Jeff's attitude.
"I'm sorry, Joe.. I love you.." For once, Jeff stared at his fiance. "I'm not going to talk anymore if you want that."
"You have been such an ass ever since I came back, you know?" Joe shoved Jeff away.
"I'm sorry.." Jeff looked down. He felt so bad when Joe heard that he was thinking of leaving him.
"Then break up with him. Why are you staying with this man if you hate him that much?" Bill raised his eyebrows. Something happened between these two men. He seems to apologize way too much for Bill's liking, and he got married three times already. He knew when someone was cheating on a relationship.
"It's not like that, Dad.." Joe now felt guilty for being so rude to Jeff. He knew his dad jumped to the conclusion that Jeff was cheating on him. "I love Jeff. I'm just not in the greatest mood. He's a great man. He's so great that I am going to marry him soon.." Joe scoffed and smiled at Jeff. Jeff still looked away and just stayed quiet.
"Why would you marry someone that cheats on you?" Bill stared at his son. He knew Jeff's guilt was there as he opened his lips after Bill's accusation, but he didn't speak a word. "You cheated on my boy?" Bill became even more enraged.
Jeff shook his head hesitantly, but he still didn't want to speak. He's holding his tears. This is not what he wants the first meeting with the in-laws to be. But he had to take this, because while he's not actually cheating on Joe, he knew that Joe was mad at him when Tyler came home last night and insisted that Jeff promise to spend the night with him in a hotel.
"Oh my goodness, Dad! You know what? I don't need you! Come on, let's go, Jeff.." Joe stood up and pulled Jeff's arm.
Jeff got startled, and he really wants to cry now. He knew that Joe was not exactly hurting him, but he just knew that he messed up so badly in his first meeting with Bill. Jeff stood up hesitantly and followed his fiancé.
"I suppose we can stay at Tyler's place for now?" Joe said as they left the penthouse. Jeff just looked down and avoided eye contact with Joe. "Jeff.." Joe stopped and hugged Jeff. "I'm sorry.."
Jeff finally broke down in tears. "I'm sorry.." He sobbed his apology.
"No.. you are fine. I'm just being stupid. I'm jealous of your relationship with Tyler, and that is me being ridiculous. He's your best friend and he has been an amazing friend to you and me." Joe kissed Jeff. "And if you really want to have sex with Tyler, then I'm willing to try it out with you.." Joe is still young, and he has done a lot of experimenting all these years. He's not a stranger to open relationships and threesomes.
"I don't want that, Joe.. I want you and I have my doubts because you were away for a long time. But you quit my job for me. I will try my best to pay for your tuition." Jeff wiped out his tears. "I'll do better. I promise you.." He bit his lower lip.
"I'll try to get a scholarship and I will work part time too. We'll figure it out. Okay?" Joe smiled.

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