Chapter 01.

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She woke up in the middle of the night. She felt a light snore next to her. The breathing was steady and kind of becoming her usual white noise that lulls her to sleep. The manly arms wrapped around her naked body. She sighed slowly, trying not to wake him up. Tyler had told her since the beginning of their so-called relationship that he didn't want to be exclusive, yet so far he had never told her if he was with anyone else. It's only been three months, but it always keeps Alana awake at night to think that Tyler might actually share this with someone else.
Alana pushed her arms out and slowly slipped out of the bed. She needed some drinks. She left the company after their first unofficial date because Tyler refused to date any of his employees.Tyler got Alana a new job at his friend's company. Then he said to Alana that he wanted a polyamorous relationship. Alana was only 23 years old and Tyler was 34 years old. None of her friends or family knew about her relationship with Tyler. She walked out of the bedroom, then walked to the bar and poured some wine into the glass. Her new job is good, but she misses seeing Tyler every day at the office.
She sat down on the couch and scrolled through her dating apps. Tyler said that he doesn't mind if she has another boyfriend as long as she tells him, and Tyler is a little distanced lately. So she signed up for a dating site in the hopes of finding a replacement before Tyler gets tired of her.Alana knows she is pretty because a man like Tyler wants to date her. Tyler is probably one of the most eligible bachelors in New York. He is a senior partner in one of the most prominent law firms in New York. He never really introduced anyone as his girlfriend, but of course, all the girls threw themselves at him.
"Baby? Why are you here?" Tyler walked and peered at the phone. "That one is hot, but a tad bit too young." He hugged his girlfriend from behind and then he kissed her neck. "Come back to bed, please? I missed your body next to mine.."
"Ty.. I.." Alana felt like her heart dropped when she realized that Tyler saw her scrolling on a dating site.
"Hmm?" Tyler kissed the shocked woman's cheeks.
"I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry.." Alana tried to explain why she was scrolling the dating site, but she couldn't make up any reason, especially with Ty fondling her breasts.
"You don't have to be concerned about finding another man; we are not exclusive. But, I would prefer that you consult me before sending any messages to any gentlemen. But, it's your right to look around." Tyler chuckled. He let go of Alana. She is his main partner, but he also would never say no when some woman kissed him or gave him a lap dance. She should have known that they are not exclusive after all.
"Ty, are you sleeping with another woman?" Alana finally asked the question.
"You want me to keep you on a loop? I mean, I can do that, but you can get jealous really fast." Tyler cocked his head and stared at Alana.
"So.. you do?" Alana felt like her heart had been broken into a million pieces.
"Yes, do you want me to let you know if I ever get with other girls?" Tyler answered it with a calm tone. He's not really having sex with anyone else but Alana, but he knew enough that this would be a big problem for Alana. Like every other girl that he was dating, they said yes to his polyamory relationship offer, then started to get jealous, and it was such a big turn off for Tyler.
"I.." Alana held her tears from flooding her cheeks. "You are a horrible boyfriend!"
"Hmm? I thought we agreed that we were not exclusive? You should tell me if you don't want this kind of thing." Tyler kept waking up away from Alana. "Please go. I don't want to see you again." He walked to the master bedroom and grabbed his phone. Then he locked himself in the study room.
When he unlocked his phone, he saw two missed calls from Jeff, his best friend. He had known Jeff since he was a kid. They never grew apart, even though they currently live almost an hour away from each other. For Jeff, living upstate is better than living in the city. He works remotely for a tech company, so it's not a big deal for him to stay in solitary for most days. He usually visited Jeff every other week. In addition to the fact that Tyler only wants to be in a polyamorous relationship, Jeff is also bisexual. They did try to date when they were in college, but eventually realized that they were better off as friends. Tyler returned the call from his best friend. Jeff answered, and he was sobbing on the other end.
"What happened?" Tyler held his breath. Most likely, Jeff finally broke up with his asshole boyfriend, Spencer. Tyler never liked Spencer. He used Jeff for his money. Tyler knew that a lot of women used him for his money too, but he allowed them to do that. That is not the case for Jeff and Spencer. Spencer manipulated Jeff so he could get fancy stuff by withholding sex if Jeff didn't buy him stuff. It's just a horrible relationship.
"He broke up with me!" Jeff cried.
Tyler sighed, "Do you want me to come to your place?"
"Yes, please come here.. I need someone.." Jeff kept on crying, and it was just making Tyler super upset.
"It will be a while, but I will drive to your place, okay? Just call me when you need anything." Tyler sighed.
"I love you, Ty.." Jeff is still crying.
"Oh Jeff.. You know, I love you too.. I'm heading there. Talk later." Tyler hung up.
He unlocked the door and headed to the bedroom where he saw Alana fall back to sleep instead of heading out like he told her to do. But he doesn't really care right now. All he can think about is Jeff. He put on a T-shirt and jeans, then grabbed his car keys. He told his driver, who lived in his apartment as his security guard, that he needed to tell Alana to get out of the penthouse when she woke up. and that he is driving upstate to Jeff's place.
He arrived half an hour later at Jeff's place. Sometimes, Tyler wants to buy a house next door to Jeff because of how peaceful his area is. Jeff has a green house, a few chickens, and even a small pond for his fish. Tyler spends weekends at Jeff's place every once in a while. He took Alana twice to the farm, and she hated it, just like Spencer hates it. They are kind of getting close because of their shared hatred towards the farm.
Tyler found Jeff in the master bedroom, curled up in his king-sized bed. Tyler slipped inside the blanket and laid next to him. He hugged Jeff and rubbed his back. Jeff mumbled about how upset he was about the break up. Tyler listens to Jeff and just thinks about his own love life. Tyler never really found anyone who was worth all of his attention. He probably loves Jeff more than any of his exes.
After an hour of crying, Jeff finally fell asleep. Tyler slowly pushed him away and stood up. He needs to go back to Manhattan. He has to go back to work in a few hours. He kissed Jeff's forehead and took a deep breath. He shook those memories when they were together. The breakup was hard on both of them. Because they always tell each other, and in Jeff's case, he always cried to Tyler when he broke up with someone. They stopped talking to each other for a full month. Then, Jeff gave up and cried to Tyler to talk to him again.
The reason that they broke it off is that no one knew Tyler was bisexual except for Jeff. But Jeff was tired of all the pretending, so he broke it off. Their parents knew each other and they knew Jeff was really close with Tyler, so when they were dating in college and went home for Thanksgiving, Tyler pretended that Jeff was not his boyfriend, hurting Jeff's feelings. Then it happens again during the Christmas holiday.
Tyler sometimes regrets his choice to keep his sexuality a secret, but he knew that his career could not go far if people knew he was bisexual. He is a woman magnet. 80% of the cases that he handled were divorces, and most of his clients were women. His career would be crashed and burned if he chose to be with Jeff. And so far, Jeff is the only man he's ever loved. Sure, he's attracted to other men, but if he wants to be with a man, it would definitely be Jeff.
Jeff mumbled as Tyler walked out of the bedroom, but Tyler continued to walk away. But as he walked towards the front door he felt that his T-shirt was being pulled. He turned around and saw Jeff was pouting behind him.
"I need to go to work in a few hours, Jeff." Tyler sighed.
"Can I come with you to Manhattan?" Jeff rubbed his eyes.
"Sure..." Tyler hugged him and kissed his forehead again.
"I'm going to grabbed my stuff then, I will be ready. Just wait here, okay?" Jeff shuffled his hair around and fixed his glasses, then he walked away.
He grabbed his laptop, a suitcase that he filled with some random clothes, and his toothbrush. When he came back out he saw Tyler was leaning into the sofa. Tyler's brown hair is messy but he still looks great. Jeff always dreamed about winning Tyler's heart and be his husband all his life. But, that will never going to happen. Tyler have women threw themselves into his arms, why would he choose a man like Jeff. A loser that live in the farm upstate, he doesn't even live in Manhattan.
"Hey, what's on your mind now?" Tyler looked at Jeff, he knew Jeff was upset with something else now.
"Why don't you want to be openly bisexual? Is that too much for me to ask from you?" Jeff avoid the eye contact. "I don't mind you have a girlfriend on the side.." He knew that he will be rejected again, but he really wants to be with Tyler.
"You are saying that because you feel lonely from your break up. Look, just stay with me for a few days or weeks I don't mind. But, you know that you are a serial monogamist and I'm not." Tyler shook his head. This is always his conversation with Jeff every time he broke off with someone.
"I can.."Jeff held his words for a moment. "... Transition to.. you know.." He said this for the first time, he doesn't really want to but if that makes Tyler wants to be with him then he will do that.
"What? You know I dated you and we had sex! I like man too. I'm bisexual.." Tyler felt like he want to slapped Jeff for suggesting that.
"But, you don't want anyone knows you are one.." Jeff wiped his tears.
"It doesn't mean that I want you to be a woman! Jeff, just please let's go to Manhattan. I'm tired.." Tyler rubbed his head, because he is frustrated with Jeff.
Jeff finally nodded and walked out to the car with Tyler. Jeff did not talk to Tyler the whole drive back to Manhattan. He doesn't know why he even suggested that idea, he is gay but he doesn't really want to be a woman. And he knew that Tyler always seeing a few woman at the same time while he always jumped from one relationship to another. Tyler didn't have energy to talk to Jeff anymore, and he thought about Alana. He doesn't want Alana and Jeff met each other, especially when Jeff is vulnerable like now. He doesn't really know why Jeff went as far as offering to change his gender to be with him. Tyler just don't want to hurt Jeff again. He still remembered everything they fought about as a couple and he always remember how hurt Jeff was when he said he doesn't want to come out to their parents.
When they arrived at the apartment, Tyler dragged Jeff to the guest bedroom right away and locked the door. He finally kissed Jeff's lips again after all those painful years that he was longing for it. Tyler doesn't really know what makes him kissed Jeff but he whispered to Jeff that he loves him. But Jeff shook his head and pushed Tyler away. He smiled bitterly them put his stuff away, and headed to the bed. He buried his head under the pillow. Tyler sighed then unlocked the door. He slept on the study room that night.
Tyler went to work around 7 am he barely slept last night. And he doesn't really know what will happen to Jeff and Alana. He just needs to go to work because that is the only place he knew he can control. He asked his maid to prepared whatever Jeff needs and to tell Alana to packed up all her stuff. He could only wish that Alana will respect his decision to broke up with her.
Alana woke up around 8 and she called in sick. She just doesn't want to go to the office, not after a rough break ups. She put on a robe and found Jeff in the breakfast pantry. She doesn't like Jeff because Tyler seemed to love Jeff more than he loves her.
"Why are you here?" Alana asked.
"This is not your house, you don't have rights to ask that question." Jeff pretends to work while enjoying his breakfast. He have someone that helps him clean and take care of the farm but he doesn't have chef like Tyler. He loves Tyler's chef and he really enjoyed the food that he made. "Besides, Sara said that you should pack your bags and get the hell out of this place." Jeff threw a judging look then rolled his eyes.
"Fine! I'll packed up my stuff!" Alana turned around and stomped her way out of the kitchen. She wanted to enjoy the fancy breakfast one last time. But she just can't stand how cocky Jeff is.
Jeff shook his head when Alana walked out. He wished that Tyler could pick someone that actually deserves him. He's upset that Tyler kept dating this gold diggers. But suddenly his boss, Cheryl asked him to video call her. So he ran to the bedroom and put on some descent shirt, then started the video call. Cheryl and Bruno love Jeff, they love him so much that they allowed him to work from home full time and made him their technical advisor. They knew that Jeff will be better off working remotely, some of his colleagues are homophobic and no matter how many time they fired one homophobic guy, somehow they hired another one. But they can't afford to lose Jeff's expertise.
"Hey.. how are you doing? And where are you right now?" Cheryl glanced at the background and she noticed that Jeff is not in his home.
"Well, I'm at Tyler's. I had a major break down last night. I proposed to Spencer last night and he left me. He broke up with me." Jeff pouted.
"I told you he would do that! Jeff, you should get together with Ed instead! I told you!" She giggled. Ed is Cheryl's friend and he is 41 years old. He owned a winery in New Jersey, and when Jeff broke up with his previous boyfriend before Spencer, Cheryl want to set them up. But Jeff only met Ed once then he decided to pursue Spencer instead.
"Is he still single?" Jeff raised his eyebrows. He won't say no if Ed still single. He dated Spencer for almost two years, so he doesn't expect Ed is still single.
"Are you really interested in dating him? I think he is newly single again." Cheryl laughed. "Oh! I need some personal favor though." She changed her tones to a serious one. "Your friend, Tyler, he is a divorce attorney, right?"
"Well, he started as a criminal defense attorney but now seventy percent of his cases are divorce cases. Why?" Jeff hope that Cheryl is not getting a divorce again. Cheryl had been married twice and he loves Cheryl's current husband.
"Well, I'm getting divorce with Kevin and hoping that Tyler will take me as his client." Cheryl covered her face.
"Tyler just broke up with his gold digger. Maybe this time he can date you.." Jeff chuckled.
"But you love him!" Cheryl laughed, she knew that Jeff and Tyler are both in love with each other. But when she asked both of them were saying that they tried it before and it didn't work.
"He only wants woman. You know last night I asked if I transitioned into a woman will he dates me. And he thinks I'm ridiculous. But then he kissed me on my lips. Just so confused with his choices." Jeff rolled his eyes. "But, I will let you know. And I'm sorry your marriage didn't worked out. I love you Cheryl and I am here for you. Okay?" Jeff pouted his lips to show sadness over the divorce.
"I'll be fine. Anyway, I need to see you tonight. Can you ask if Tyler can see me too? If he can than I can come to his apartment and meet you both." Cheryl already busy with other stuff on her desk.
"I'll ask him. But, I'm free tonight so you can come anytime." Jeff smiled.
"Okay, great. Let me know, okay?" Cheryl still busy with other stuff.
"Will do.. bye Cher.." Jeff winked.
"Bye doll.." Cheryl smiled and hung up.

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