Chapter 20.

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Chris awkwardly stared at Jill as Tyler took him to meet her when she called to talk about her decision on the baby. Jill, on the other hand, only pays attention to Tyler. They are having some kind of dinner because she said she doesn't want to involve Jay in this crazy affair that she is currently in. It took Jill three weeks to finally decide on this. She got the DNA test, and the result is what she fears the most. It's Oliver's baby, not Tyler's. She kept going back and forth about keeping this baby.
"So, I took the DNA test as I told you before when I asked for your DNA sample. And you are off the leash." She smiled bitterly.
"Oh.." Tyler held Chris' hand tightly. He kind of had a feeling that it was not his. "I have a proposition and I know you have decided on what to do, but.." He bites his lower lip. "Can we adopt the baby.. Me and Chris.." He looked at Chris, and they had talked about this last night. Apparently, Chris is also excited about having a baby with Tyler.
"I didn't.." Jill stopped. "What if Jay asked? And.. um, the baby is.." She hesitates again. "It's Oliver's.."
"Not that shocking that it was his. I mean, he's a nice guy, unlike me.." Tyler chuckled.
"I slept with my boss too, so no judgement.." Chris smiled at Jill while pointing at Tyler.
Jill felt her heart skip a beat when he saw Chris' smile. Chris is even more handsome than Tyler. "I really don't want Oliver to know about this.." Her lips tremble.
"Why not?" Tyler stared at her. He released Chris' hand and reached for Jill's.
"If he knew it was his, he'd probably have fired me. And then he will sue for the baby. I just.." Jill was obviously upset by the idea that Oliver knew about the accidental pregnancy.
"Can I try to talk to him? And if he sues us, then he will face me again. He lost once and he will lose again if he tries this time." Tyler held Jill's hand.
I don't know, it's so much simpler if I don't keep the baby. Maybe then I can be your surrogate. I don't mind." Jill looks very upset. The truth is that she really wants to keep the baby. He knew Tyler would take care of the baby like it was his.
"Um.. give me time to talk to Jeff. I think he can speak better to Oliver than I am. What about that?" When Tyler asked Chris to stand up, he moved next to Jill. "Please let me at least try." If he fires you, then I will sue his ass off. Plus, I will get you a better job. Just let me help you." Tyler hugged Jill tightly. Jill started to sob. But she did agree to let Tyler try.
Tyler asked Chris to speak with Jeff, and he told Jill that he would spend the night at her house to console her and do whatever she wanted.Chris is very understanding because even though he knew the possibility that Tyler might have sex with Jill, he just hugged both Jill and Tyler. Tyler loves Chris for that. He has that confidence that Jeff never had, that Tyler chose him, and that's what is important.
Chris went to Tyler's apartment. He already talked with Joe about everything, and it seems like both of them are happier now anyway. There's still some awkwardness, but they are good for now. Joe still looks at Chris with lust sometimes, but it's not really something that is out of the ordinary for Chris. He knew he was young and hot because a lot of men and women stared at him like that. He even got a hint that Jill stared at him with lust for a moment too, but he is not interested in dating a woman.
Chris asked Jeff if he could talk to him in private. Joe didn't like it because he and Jeff had promised each other that they were not supposed to keep secrets from each other. After considering it, Chris decided to talk to both Joe and Jeff.
"I know.. I'm sorry.." Jeff nodded. He took a deep breath. He has no right to dream about having a kid anymore now that he's with Joe. "I'll try to speak to him. I don't know how he'll react, but he owes me one. So I could push that on him if he wanted to get into a legal fight to get the baby." He patted Chris' back.

Tyler talked all night with Jill about the possibility of what would happen. He barely got enough sleep, so he told his secretary that he was taking the next morning off. He came home just in time to kiss Chris goodbye before he needed to go to the office. Joe left early that day too; he had to go to the campus for some administrative stuff. Tyler crashed into his bed to take a nap. But only half an hour into his nap, he felt someone waking him up. It was Jeff.
"Hey.." Tyler rubbed his eyes.
"I'm sorry.. I just want to talk to you in private.." Jeff sighed.
"What is it?" Tyler smiled and sat on the bed.
"I just found out last night that Joe doesn't want kids." Jeff pressed his lips together. He knew he was stupid for not asking Joe beforehand.
"Is that a deal breaker?" Tyler was shocked that Jeff had never asked such an important question before getting engaged to Joe.
"I used to think I would end up with you. We'll go back to the farm and live a peaceful life. But then I realized that it was all unrealistic. I settled for Joe because we are more suitable." Jeff chuckled.
"I don't get it. Why did you give up on us?" Tyler held Jeff's hand.
"I don't deserve you.. I didn't even know you struggled all these years." Jeff sighed.
"You know I would drop everything just to be with you, right? I really don't understand. Why are you settling with someone you barely know?" Tyler knew Jeff had made up his decision, but he still wanted to know.
"Because look at you, then look at me. I'm sparing myself from heartbreak.." Jeff looked really sad and broken. "Being with you is just a dream that I will wake up from abruptly one day. You'll dump me, and I'll be sad again. I have never even moved on from the first time you broke up with me. That's why the last time I broke it off before you could." Jeff sighed.
"I don't know why you think I would ever break up with you ever again. I always dreamed that we would grow old together just like you. And I would never, in a million years, give up on you." Tyler pulled Jeff closer. He leaned in and kissed Jeff's lips. "We'll run to wherever you want to be if I could spend forever with you." He pressed his lips to Jeff's again.
"Tyler, I'm engaged to someone else.." Jeff wanted to enjoy the kiss, but he just couldn't.
"Jeff, let's go somewhere this weekend just the two of us. I want us to really talk about the possibility. I know you are with Joe. And I don't mind him becoming a part of our relationship." Tyler gently rubbed Jeff's cheeks.
"Joe and Chris have to be a part of that discussion." Jeff finally gave up.
"So if I get them on board with this, will you agree on the weekend getaways?" Tyler grinned.
"I'll think about it.." Jeff shook his head.
"Do you want to know why I never told you about the rape?" Tyler smiled bitterly.
"Why? Because I still don't understand why you hid it from me." Jeff shook his head.
"I want you to see me as a perfect man, and apparently that's what drove you away from me. Kind of a stupid decision on my behalf." Tyler tried to hold himself together. He's still upset with his breakup with Jeff and he's not giving up on them yet.
"I don't know what to say, Tyler. I love you, but we're just not meant to be as a couple. " Jeff rubbed Tyler's cheek.
"Why? Just tell me why? I am tired of your excuse that I'm too perfect. I don't understand.." Tyler shook his head.
"You won't understand what men like me or Joe felt about men like you and Chris. We don't want to wait till that time comes, when men like you are bored with us and just dump us. I will never stop loving you, but we are not meant to be together." Jeff smiled bitterly.
"What if I can't ever get over you?" Tyler grabbed Jeff's wrist.
"I'm sorry, Tyler.." Jeff sighed, then pushed Tyler's hand away. He walked out and regretted his decision to talk about this with Tyler.
Tyler buried his face in his pillow. He should have known that Jeff was tired of him. It made sense that he made him feel like a reject all these years.

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