Xu Dan nodded, "Yes, teacher, it's an additional question after the third section of Chapter 2."

Master Miejie nodded with satisfaction. Although she was very dissatisfied with Xu Dankuang's behavior of skipping the cram school at first, since she went to the office to explain, she has found more and more that this student is really what she likes.

Sixth update~ Caught up, I’m so sleepy, no need to owe chapters, everyone should go to bed early, good night~

Chapter 172 Nouns on the red list
After eating at noon, Xu Dan went to see the red list alone. Unsurprisingly, her name was the first one, and she won the first place with a score close to full marks.

Eleven of the top 13 were from her class, and the 6th and 13th were from two other classes, and the name of the 6th was very familiar to her.

It's Xu Hongxia.

Her high school entrance examination was probably because the matter of finding an examination room affected her test scores, which was why she was not admitted to the curriculum reform class in the end.

Now that he is performing normally, his results are firmly in the top ten, even only one point behind Niu Tao, who is fifth.

The thirteenth one was an unfamiliar name, and the two of them squeezed out the two students who were originally in the changed class.

Yang Jianxin was squeezed to the 14th place, while Zhou Chenglong was a little miserable, being squeezed directly to the 50th place.

Looking at these results now, it will be very difficult for Zhou Chenglong to stay in the curriculum reform class if he doesn't work harder.

"Lao Liu, let's go. Go back and rest for a while. I've finished reading the monthly exam."

"Yes, yes, congratulations to our sixth brother for winning the title again!"

The five sisters in the dormitory suddenly appeared around Xu Dan, caring and praising him.

Xu Dan also chatted and laughed with them all the way back to the dormitory.

The monthly exam results have just come out. It is impossible for everyone to sleep in excitement. They are all discussing the red list.

"No. 6, that Xu Hongxia is pretty awesome too. She actually got sixth place in the exam. I guess she will be able to join the reform class soon. Then you will also have a girl to keep you company."

Xu Dan reluctantly smiled and said nothing. It was impossible to be a companion. It would be better if Xu Hongxia didn't cheat her.

The careful and sensitive Qianqian noticed something strange about Xu Dan and asked her, "Lao Liu, do you know Xu Hongxia?"

"Well, eldest sister, I used to go to the same middle school as her." Xu Dan didn't want to say anything more. She couldn't do the kind of thing where she said bad things about others, even if those things were true.

Qianqian saw that she didn't want to say more, so she didn't want to ask any more questions. She just made a mental note in her mind that the relationship between Lao Liu and Xu Hongxia was probably not very good.

But the outspoken Xixi asked directly, "Lao Liu, is that Xu Hongxia bad?"

"Second sister, what do you mean by bad? I just don't think it's very compatible with her personality."

"Then she must have done something bad to you. Otherwise, depending on your temperament, even if you have a normal relationship with her, you would still say that she is quite nice."

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