24: An Offer

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Ulric had been staring at her intently. Studying how her body had not moved an inch, ever since he had left that moon for her. Right at her feet, in blood. His blood – Hani hoped. The past few weeks that she had been held there, in some strange way, were helping her truly understand where she stood in all of this. By now, it was more than clear that she had a role to play, a very important role. A role crucial enough that many were willing to die and kill to have it, destroy it, use it. Both Hecate and Ulric spoke of immortality to her; the word drooling from their lips, their most desired “thing” to possess. Yet, why look upon her, as if she had it, in her hands, clutched against her chest? Somehow, she had it, she just didn’t knew where.

           It was difficult to try and process everything she had been told so far; especially, when Ulric was there in the room, still. Back leaned against the wall, sitting cross-legged on the floor, arms too crossed over his chest; gazing at her attentively. Did they want her to know what was going on? Why go through all this trouble of telling her this? What would there be to gain from her knowing what their plans were?

           “Eventually, you’ll have to pick a side” Sighing, Ulric spoke, at last. “We all have to, at a time in our lives”

           “I have a side” Abruptly, Hani replied to him; her voice faltering at the end, shocked to hear itself in the room. “I chose my side already”

           “You’ve chosen it out of naivety. Of ignorance. Do you think that if you knew everything, you’d make the same choices that lead you here? Don’t you think that if you had the power to change them, would you not?” His lips curved into a smile; amused at the conversation, at last, flowing. “Don’t make a fool of me... Had you not the opportunity, would you not chose to have something you lost, unjustly, returned? Like your mother?”

           “Don-“ Hani clutched her fists in frustration and immediately, removed her gaze from him. Unable to face the question. “Don’t speak of my mother”

           “She told me how much you cried. She told me how it was all your fault. How your naivety, your ingenuity led you to opening the door to her, and to your mother’s death. She told me everything.” For a few moments, his smile faltered. “I do not agree with her. I just think the world is unfair to those who are naive. Those are always destined to fail. You and I both know that she only succeeds the way she did, and does, because she knows everything there is to know”

           “Why would she tell you this?” Angry and bitter, Hani’s enraged eyes peered into him. “Just so you could toy me with this?

           “Hani...” Ulric laughed ever so slightly, almost rather amused at her ridiculous questioning. “She told me so I could learn... learn how you are, how you react, how you express your different emotions, which things you like, which ones you dislike. She taught me everything I needed to know about you.”

           “Wh-Why would sh-“

           “I needed to know. For her. That was my deal with her. She’d teach me what I needed to know, and once I’d achieve what I wanted, I’d give it up to her. What she wants.” Slowly, he approached the bed in which Hani was sat in. Horrified, she followed with her eyes, the way he caressed the sheets. His long, bony, reddish fingers, trembling disgustingly as they tried to mimic some sort of gentleness. “She wanted you to like me, she told me it was the only way...”

           “To gain immortality?” Hani’s bare feet flinched backwards, desperate to increase the space between her and Ulric. “Isn’t that what she wants? What you want? And Lucca?”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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