13: A Weakness

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There was muttering inside the room; nervous words and last-minute arguments were being exchanged amongst the two men. The Alpha's ears had caught sight of the troubling atmosphere that hovered the air of the medical cabin, it caused his own nervousness to bubble feverishly. Gently, he knocked on the door, alerting to the men that he had arrived. The door opened and Jin on the other side of the room, nodded his head at Jungkook, signalling that he could enter. Jungkook swallowed dryly, attempting to push down the fear that came with entering the room and listening to the doctors' conclusions. Yet before he took another, he faced Hani who, behind him, shifted from one foot to the other, for she too was nervous for the day. Tenderly, he kissed her and as he drew circular patterns on her back, he reassured her.

"I'll be right there by your side once my conversation with Jinsang and Jin is over" Hani smiled and lovingly, she caressed his cheeks; silently, telling The Alpha that it was fine, she would be okay on her own. "It won't take long, I hope. I told Daeun to wait for me, so be at ease."

In all honesty, the girl was at ease. She had grown used to the weekly check-ups; she actually enjoyed having the time, isolated and slow paced, to talk to Daeun about her worries and fears, discoveries and enthusiasms surrounding her pregnancy. It was Jungkook that she was worried about. Her heart wavered with nervousness and terror concerning what could Jin and Jinsang have possibly discovered as they studied the body.

Hani's back disappeared from Jungkook's sight as she walked into the room in which Daeun waited for her. And so, The Alpha entered. He entered into that room that was so tiny, whose walls were plain brown and only one small bed could be placed. His father was there, laid down, covered with a white sheet. Jinsang and Jin stood each on one side of the bed; they waited for The Alpha's signal, something, in fact, that would let them know that it was safe to talk. However, Jungkook was silent and his eyes attentively traced the outlines of his father's body, as if he was checking that indeed it had happened. And that once this was done, he would have to open another hole, put inside the dead body of his father, next to his son's. For that, he had to prepare himself. Since opening up the hole on the ground, also meant reopening the wound in his chest. But, at least, this time, Jungkook thought, his father's death would be final. No longer could destiny surprise him, for Jungkook had ended the long suffering with his own hands.

"Is there anything that caught your attention, Jin?"

The doctor jolted sightly, upon hearing Jungkook's voice. He never expected The Alpha to be so straightforward about it, he expected at least some reluctance. And yet it seemed, that Jungkook was somewhat at peace with the situation. With his hands stuffed in his pockets, he leaned against the wall and from afar, away from the image of his father, he waited for them to speak.

"Well, biologically your father's body changed. That we were able to ascertain." Sighing, Jin reached for his notebook and started going through the pages one by one. "We asked for a few male omegas in the pack for help with testing, by the way. When it comes to the internal organs, we were able to determine that, due to the cannibalism, they were forced to adapt. We are talking about the strengthening of the stomach walls and things like that. By absorbing different nutrients and changing his normal eating habits, his body adapted even when it came to growing more teeth, increasing the size of the muscles, etc. This we all expected. And to a certain extent, explains the sudden increase in power, speed and strength."

"We believe it to be a slow process. The body needs time to adapt to the new diet, so that it can healthily prepare itself. In your father's case, however, the initiation was sudden, abrupt and rather aggressive. We noticed a lot of damage and bloating." Jinsang continued. "At the beginning the process was extremely painful, there's signs of internal bleeding around the throat area. The worst damage, however, was done to his neural system."

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