Chapter 21: Gluttony

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  AN: graphic content ahead, proceed at your own risk

     It was the first time Hani was getting a glimpse of where the room she had been at, had been located in. Lucca trailed calmly in front of her, both of his hands clasped tightly behind his back. A slight flash of light peeked from under his shirt, with the swaying of his arms, only to remember the girl that the knife was still there. The image was a paradoxical riddle. For some reason, Lucca trusted her enough to allow her to come out of her room, completely untied, freed hands and legs. There were no threats, no warnings made for her. He simply opened the door and told her to come out, to follow him. And yet, it seemed that, despite his seeming unawareness and carelessness, the placement of his hands on his back, where he knew – for certain – that Hani would be paying attention to.... Had it been by mere mistake or without no intention at all, that he allowed her to know that he had a knife? She could not tell. After all, she could not read Lucca, no matter how much she tried. To be completely honest, she figured Lucca had permitted her to leave her room, merely because he suspected that she wouldn’t have the courage to do so, after hearing that scream.

           The room Hani had been in was situated in a long dark hallway, coated with those same grey cemented walls, like hers. Above her head, single lightbulbs dangled by one single thread; they flickered violently and, some, for a few minutes completely blacked out. There were no windows, no stairs. For the 20 minutes that they walked down that corridor, Hani only saw wooden doors; all of them so similar to the one of her room, that it would be impossible for her to somehow, find her way back. The ground was freezing cold, grey too, made of stone, or so it seemed. It was filled with strange stains from everything and nothing, creating strange shapes and colours.

           Throughout the way, Lucca whistled, experimenting, this time, with a different tone. It was rather monotone, but it brought chills to Hani’s body. It constantly made her sense that someone was approaching from behind her. With a jolting heart, she glanced behind her shoulder, expecting to find something or someone. Yet, only the dark corridor remained. At a point, she couldn’t see the end of it, from behind her. Besides the whistle, there was no other sound. Occasionally, she would listen the sound of someone grumbling, struggling against some sort of irony material. When that sound echoed in the corridor, Lucca’s whistle stopped to give birth to a slight smile on his lips.

           It was rather chilly there. Hani’s skin was getting decorated by the goosebumps that rose on her. Her hands kept rubbing on her arms, attempting to generate some sort of heat. As she walked, Jungkook’s shirt grazed on her legs and now that she thought about it, she had noticed that the shirt had gotten shorter on her. And that, unfortunately at this time, was a bad signal. Especially, after Lucca had dared to play with her, with claiming that he knew her little secret. And all that conversation? What was that for? What was he expecting to get from her by telling her all that nonsense? Going above and beyond to create this machievelli plan, just to prove to her that Tachee had been involved from the beginning? Hani wondered what Jungkook would think of all these things Lucca had told her... and Jinsang... Could he make sense of this?

           “Do happen to know this story... this mythological tale about Cronos?” Lucca ceased his whistling to spark a conversation with Hani. “You know, the titan? From greek mythology?”

           Hani wasn’t really interested in hearing another story from Lucca. Whatever he had to tell her, she figured stories wouldn’t be the most important thing, at this moment. More prominent was him telling her where were they going, and why was it taking so long. From the corner of her eye, Hani realized that less and less doors were showing up, the further down the corridor they went.

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