00: The lingering moments before

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(many years ago)

May was definitely Hani's favourite season. There were no words to describe how much she loved the youth and birth of the warmest period of Spring; the lingering growing of the flowers, the glistening of the fruits, the glimmering of the water, the warmth of the sun rays, the extension of the days, the animals that swarmed the forest that surrounded her and Jungkook's cabin. With her eyes closed, the girl was laid down on the green grass near the lake. She drowned on the sounds of nature; focusing on the chirping of the birds, the waving of the water, the sound of her heartbeat that, with time, overlapped with the sound of another one, weaker, yet, growing stronger. Gently, her hand rested on the growing bump; tenderly, her fingers caressed it through the fabric of her summer dress. Soon, it would start to show, she thought. And at the image, she grinned brightly at no one in specific, perhaps, just at life itself, at what it had in store for her and him. She would have to share her secret with The Alpha, she giggled at the thought. For some reason, she wasn't really sure why was she taking so long; perhaps, she was searching for the right time, the right way of announcing to him; even if she knew, deeply in her heart, that he didn't need much to light up in joy. But the heartbeat, under the palm of her hands, was so eager; so joyful and strong. She wanted him to feel it too, to sense the baby, to fall in love with it, just like how she was doing.

As her mind planned and formulated images and scenarios of him, it seemed that the Alpha had heard her call, somehow. With Jinsang by his side, a young boy, dark haired and with vibrant green eyes, who often guided Jungkook through the different aspects of pack affairs; the Alpha trailed towards her. Immediately, Hani got up and smoothing out the white summer dress that she was wearing, she prepared herself to tell him the news that had, day by day, turned life more beautiful in her eyes. Jungkook's eyes lit up happily, once he spotted her; her brown hair waving in the air, her cheeks slightly pinkish due to the heat, a loving smile gracing her lips and with her eyes, forever, warming him up and enticing him, alluring him, trapping him to her. Smiling, he separated from Jinsang; instead, he walked towards her, slightly, jogging to reach her faster.

His arms wrapped around her tightly, sheltering her in his arms like he usually did. Lovingly, he adorned her skin with small kisses, lingering a bit longer over the mark on her neck – a starry sky, a moon growing full. Passionately, she kissed him; pouring all her happiness, all her love on his lips. So that whenever he spoke, only words of love and tenderness could he utter. The Alpha appeared to be slightly taken back by the eagerness of the Luna, by the determination and excitement of the kiss. Yet, he never asked what it was that was turning her like that, so starry, bright, magical, breathtaking. Instead, he leaned forward to steal another kiss from her lips; however, hastily, Hani stopped him, by placing her tiny hands on his broad chest. Jungkook raised his eyebrows in curiosity and giggling, Hani told him that she had something to tell him, something really important. Jungkook felt his heart falling unbalanced out of his chest; his core shook nervously inside him, causing his eyes to widen, become glossy. Unbeknownst to Hani, Jungkook caught, recently, a new scent that seemed to coat the walls of their cabin. It was glued to their sheets, her clothes, to her and every single thing she touched. He had a hunch, an assumption of what it was. Yet, he was scared, so terrified of learning the truth. He didn't want to get his expectations too high and then get disappointed; neither did he want to suddenly become eager over it to the point of pressuring her. Still, he wanted to be right. He wanted to be right despite not knowing anything at all about parenting. I mean, he had no parents, no concept of family. It had always been Ares and him, him and Ares until she came around, blending in through those white magnolias that often blossomed near the cave. He was learning about life through her, with her; there was nothing more that he wanted, nothing that he desired more strongly and deeply than to create life with her.

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