Chapter 15: Looming

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A/N: sorry for the delay

The people exchanged glances with each other. Terror filled glances that carved deeper and deeper into their hearts as The True Alpha's army revealed itself to be bigger and bigger with each man that entered, one after another, never endingly. Jungkook was sturdy, tall; determinately, his eyes studied the scene awaiting. Yet, it seemed that Ulric was so confident in the walls that confined and protected his little domain, that he could not care whether or not Jungkook could storm inside his palace or not. There was a slight whistling in the area; a rather somber song that lost its way in The Alpha's ears. Instead, it was something else that was luring his attention – a young boy. Shakingly, the boy held onto his mother's legs; desperately, trying to shield himself away from the terrifying, blood tainted Alpha. And so, inside Jungkook's chest, his heart trembled with regret, brief.

"Leave" Painfully, Jungkook uttered the words out of his mouth; pushing aside the hunger for revenge and destructing that loom in every cell of his body. Abruptly, he rotated on his feet; offering his back to the crowd, facing Namjoon and the rest of his men. Tall, he raised his head and this time more assertively, he stated. "Leave, if you wish to save yourselves from what's about befall on this pack. Save your own, protect what's dear. Avoid my wrath and it won't hit you. But trigger it... and I'll show no mercy."

The people were left speechless behind and Jungkook's own army stared at him curiously, still attempting to understand the Alpha that they chose to follow. Namjoon's eyes softened as Jungkook marched out of Ulric's pack; their shoulders grazed on one another and yet, The Alpha, did not waver, neither paid mind to the friend's presence. His men made way for Jungkook and as his back disappeared in the horizon, they, one by one, retraced his steps back to the pack.

In a sing song tune, rather cheerfully, the whistling continued; filling and pouring over the air that hovered Jungkook's head. It seemed that a song played on the distance; the silence made it immense. A pair of feet swung back and forth at the rhythm of the hymn. From the top of the walls, sitting down, with his lips pursued together, singing that rather looming tune that grew louder and louder, Lucca had been watching the scene unfold. With glee, he whistled a plan much terrifying; settling a looming fear inside Jungkook's chest. Like a parasite in the dream that was not yet his, neither true. Only looming, far away... in the distance.


The Luna walked from one side to the other of the cave; her feet echoed in the hollow space. Her arms were folded above the bump that she hid under one of Jungkook's sweaters. Occasionally, she'd let out a shaky sigh; pushing out of her body forcefully the anxiousness that pooled inside her. Jin stole small glances her away; he too was restless as they waited for Jungkook and the men to arrive.

Jin, in all honesty, wasn't found of the Alpha's new tactics and measures. They were too risky, relied mostly and, sometimes, solely on luck. On a luck that, frankly, Jungkook didn't have and yet, he blindly trusted. Was it luck? Chance? Opportunity? Perhaps a new wave of courage? A new found hope? Despair? It was hard to name the drive that propelled the Alpha into taking such steps. It really wasn't his job to doubt Jungkook's decisions... he had no reason. No solid reason to not believe wholeheartedly in the path Jungkook was carving with his hands. Still, Jin was fearful. Hani was too. It was clear in her eyes that, that morning's conversation with the Alpha was glued to the back of her head.

There was an unbalance. Perhaps, (better worded), a shift that diverged the mates. The prospect of a child, the hopes and dreams and possibilities of the future, had hardened Jungkook's heart and eyes. He became quick on his feet, alert, stubbornly determined, impulsive, hungry for... conclusion. The Luna, on the other hand, found herself becoming more hesitant, nervous, fearful. They wanted the same thing, it was clear; however, their pace was distinct and, needless to say, different.

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