05: A breeze, a glance, a trace.

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The medical cabin had been constructed on the second level of the cave, in order for it to be of easy access to everyone. It was smaller than the one they previously had; in fact, the lack of means and instruments turned Jin's and Daeun's job harder than what it really was. Improvisation had become their greatest weapon. All these complications came at the worst time possible. The pack each day made small advances on Ulric's territory and even if they were successful in moving forward, there were still injuries that needed to be treated. Hoseok's training wasn't easy either, a lot of young boys and men showed up at Jin and Daeun's front door with nasty bruises. The pack had gotten bigger and that meant more people to take care of. Luckily, some packs had doctors of their own and unlike the Alphas that stubbornly attempted to still stand against Jungkook's rule, these wolves had become good collaborators of theirs.

Attentively, Jungkook's eyes scanned the room; the thin sheets that covered the bed, the lack of furniture in the room, the small windows. This place really displayed the rush and the hurry with which they had left their old territory and the hastiness with which the pack had settled there in the cave. Jungkook was restless; his knees bounced up and down nervously. Hani, on the contrary, was rather calm and curiously, she observed the way Jin's hands examined the growing bump. Daeun was sitting on the bed at Hani's feet, she wrote down all the little details Jin shared with her; whenever her head raised to look at him, she gave Hani a tender smile.

"Everything seems to be good with the baby and the mom" Gently, Jin said as he smiled softly at the Luna. "Congratulations"

"Is it possible to know how far long I am?"

"It's hard to say for sure..." Jin answered her honestly, as he washed his hands in a bowl of hot water. "If I were to guess, I'd say around 4 months."

"So, it's also impossible to know when will the baby come?" At last, The Alpha made himself be known in the conversation. Tightly, his hand clutched onto Hani's. "Or just have an idea?"

"Werewolf pregnancies are notorious for not following a strict period of time. One baby can only need 4 months, some need 8. It also depends of how many you are carrying. It's always hard to tell."

"On top of it, you both share no normal bound and Jungkook is no ordinary wolf. Things are definitely going to be different with you two." Jin added to Daeun's explanation; assertively, he faced The Alpha. "Unfortunately, we don't have much information concerning the pregnancy of True Alpha's mates. There's not much that we can work with. I'm afraid we are going into this journey, guessing every step that we take. That's why I urge you both to stay attentive to every slight change you might take notice of or experience"

"In the meantime, we'll check up on the Luna and on the baby with frequency, to make sure everything goes smoothly"

"Thank you. We are really grateful." Jungkook got up from his seat and proudly, he reached out his hand for Jin to shake. The doctor complied with The Alpha's moves; their gazes burned on one another. There was still unresolved tension between them. "I ask you both to keep this a secret, the pregnancy. It's mine and Hani wishes to keep it that way"

And so Jin and Daeun did even if, deep down in her heart, Daeun took this "request" rather disappointedly. She assumed that they were both attempting to protect the child; in fact, neither did Daeun or anyone truly understood the position in which Hani and Jungkook were, neither could they fathom the importance of that child to the universe. And still, Daeun felt – she felt very sincerely – that it was unfair for them, that they'd have to show the scars on their sleeves and yet, be forced to keep their blessings and happiness in chains.

As Jungkook and Hani walked out of the cabin, the sound of hurried footsteps started alerting everyone to the approach of a group. Immediately, The Alpha knew who it was. Hand in hand with her, Jungkook marched towards the entrance of the cave; his heart beat madly with nervousness, tightly his hand clutched onto hers. Taehyung and Namjoon were already there when The Alpha and the Luna joined; they exchanged unsettling glances with one another, unsure of what to expect of the group.

The True Alpha: Invictus // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now