06: Family Ties

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Hani had left early that morning to visit Fai's grave. Jungkook, she was certain, had gotten up around sunrise and most likely, was patrolling the territory himself – a new found habit since they had settled in the cave. So, it was with surprise and shock that she heard The Alpha's voice muttering, once she entered the cabin. Curiously, she followed his voice, wondering what could he possibly be doing that was causing him to speak to himself.

At the end of the hallway, to the left, a door was open. It faced Fai's room. However, Jungkook and Hani had never once been inside the said room. It was empty; it had no purpose for them in the past. It was just a room, a room like many others; it carried no meaning, no signs of home in it. And yet, the door was open, Jungkook's voice echoed, sounds of things being placed on the wooden floor filled the air. Hesitantly, Hani peeked her head inside the room. Jungkook was sitting on the floor, legs crossed and his eyebrows were scrunched together in thought. Tools, papers and buckets were gathered around him; a pencil was neatly tucked behind his ear, his hair was tied up. The sight brought back memories of that morning in which Hani had woken up to find Jungkook and Fai working together to rebuild the destroyed kitchen. And like a consequence of an action, a sense of domino, many other memories soon followed: the days Jungkook had spent building their house, the way they had meticulously planned Fai's room, how Jungkook had convinced the toddler to help him paint the walls of blue. Now, inside that room, re-doing those exact same actions, no one stood by Jungkook's side. It was just him, in that empty room, debating about where to start.

"Aren't you going to work today?"

Hani asked as she entered the room; her bare feet gently laid themselves on the floor, melting at the coldness which relieved them from the heat of the outside world. Jungkook turned around to gaze at her; softly, he smiled and immediately his hand reached out to help her sat down next to him.

"I figured I'd needed a day off"

"To rest?"

"To bond" Lovingly, he stated; his hand carefully caressed the girl's bump through the fabric of the dress. "With you two." Grinning, his lips reached forward to steal a kiss from her lips. "I don't want you to go through all of this alone. And I want us to make memories."

"Is that why you were muttering?" Chuckling lightly, Hani gazed at him, at the loving and bright eyes that cascaded upon her even amidst such trying times. "Were you debating how we should create memories?"

"No. I was... uh.." A slight blush overtook Jungkook's cheeks; awkwardly, he coughed and his eyes rapidly shifted between the objects that were in front of him. "Well... I was making a list."

"A list?"

"Yes. A list of things we need to get ready before the baby arrives." An incredulous look was imbued on Hani's face, her eyes shone with playfulness and a sort of childish excitement. Jungkook grew even more flustered and swiftly, he started rambling and stuttering. Passionately, he moved his hands in the air as he tried, very desperately, to hide his timidness with promptness. "L-like we don't have the room ready. We need to paint, to choose the furniture, decide what kind of crib do we want, we don't have clothes, a proper baby chair, toys. I mean we have a lot from Fai but... but he was already quite grown and I know you want to start fresh so I was thinking that we could d-"

"Oh?!" The girl's surprise caused Jungkook's ramble to cease. Curiously, he gazed at where her eyes were laid upon – a collection of buckets, each containing different colours, which Jungkook had gathered that morning. "Where did you get this?"

"I... I searched for different things I could work with in the woods" Attentively, Hani studied the colours with her eyes. "I wanted us to have options."

The True Alpha: Invictus // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now