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"Hello my name is Daemon and you must be Joanna." The tall man with hazel eyes says to me while extending his hand for me to shake.

I give him a small timid smile. I really don't like meeting new people. It gives me anxiety.

Brad growls slightly and steps closer to me. If that was possible.

Momma smiles at Daemon seemingly apologetic.

"Don't call her that." Brad mumbles with a glare.

I elbow him in the ribs.

"Brad stop it." I scold him.

He pouts like a little five year old. His bottom lip sticking out.

Aw he looks so cute.

"Who's ready to eat?" Momma asks with excitement bring me out of my thoughts.

The dinner went pretty well.
Brad was being his usual overprotective self.
Every time Daemon asked me a question Brad would growl and tighten his grip on the back of my chair.

He scooted our chairs incredibly close so he could swing his arm around the top of my chair.

"So Jo, I hear your birthday is coming up." Brad glares at
him for speaking to me.

I pinch his thigh and he winces. His heated stare is directed to me now.

My eyes meet his and his features soften.

Why is he so upset that I'm talking to my mom's boyfriend??!?

"Yes, it's in two weeks." I respond with a small smile.
Hoping the dinner will be over soon.

After dinner daemon left so I went up to my room. Brad following close behind.

When the door shuts I look at him with my hands on my hips.

"What was your problem?" I ask him with one eyebrow raised .

He growls for the fiftieth time tonight.

"Don't growl at me and tell me what has you all riled up!" I scream while throwing my hands in the air.

"Because your mom's mate is a rogue!!!" He yelled.

I freeze.

My mom has a mate? Does she know about werewolves? Is she werewolf as well?

Brad curses under his breath.

I'm guessing he wasn't supposed to tell me that.

"My mom has a....mate?" I ask with confusion.

I thought that it was rare for a human to have a mate.

Brad walks up to me and put his hands on either sides of my face. Making me look directly into his beautiful blue eyes.

He kisses me on the forehead.

"Jo your mom is a werewolf." He breathes out.


How come she didn't tell me?

Am I a werewolf as well??

"Why didn't she tell me?" I ask my voice slightly cracking. I'm sad that she didn't tell me.

A tear slips out.

"Hey don't cry." Brad coos while wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"Am I a werewolf too?" I ask since he seems to know all of my family's secrets.

"No, you're 100% human." He says.
His arms wrapping around my body. I sigh at the warmth and familiar sparks.

"Your mom didn't find her mate yet and knew that she wasn't able to have kids of her own. So she adopted you. She thought that since she couldn't produce pups of her own. Her mate would instantly reject her.
Seeing that wolves like to have families and all.
I guess her mate doesn't mind since he already marked her." Brad explained. His voice getting curt at the end since he mentioned Daemon.

I know rogues are supposed to be all vicious but he seemed pretty nice to me.
He cares about momma and that's all that matters to me.

I'm still a little upset that she didn't tell me, but I can never be mad at her for long.

She was probably waiting for the right time to tell me.
I will confront her about it tomorrow.

I yawn. Man I'm tired.

"Cmon let's go to bed." Brad says. He starts pulling me to my bed.

"Wait I have to get ready." I mumble while walking to my bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and cleaning my face I head back to my room.

I see Brad sprawled out on my bed only in his boxers.

My eyes widen and I blush.

I hurry to my closet and pick out some pjs.

I quickly change while his eyes are closed. While I'm changing shirts his eyes snap open.

Crap. This was probably not the best idea.

I pull it over my bare chest quickly.

He growls and his eyes change to silver.


"Sorry." I squeak out while backing away.

"Stop backing away from me. It makes me want to chase you....mate you." Brad growls out. I instantly stop.

"And don't ever be sorry. You're the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." He quickly adds.

After he clams down
Brad motions me to go over to him.

I obliged and slowly walk over to him. His hand reaches for my arm and pulls me down onto the bed.

He puts his arm lazily around my waist and brings me closer to his chest.

I snuggle into the warmth. Once I'm comfy I close my eyes.

"Good night Brad." I whisper.

"Night baby." He whispers back.

A smile graces my face and I blush.

Then I realize something.

"Brad the lights are still on." I whisper to him and he groans.


Heyy :)

Hope u guys like it.
I will be updating hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for reading my story

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