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I'm woken up by a loud crashing sound. I look out the window to see a storm. The thunder and lightning are scaring me. I have a fear of any type of storms.

Another crack of lightning makes me jump and start to cry.

I unzip my sleeping bag and crawl over to Brad who is sound asleep in his red sleeping bag.

I shake his shoulders to wake him.

His eyes flutter open and he looks calm until he hears me crying.

"Jo?! What's wrong?" He asked.

Another loud boom of thunder echoed in the room.
I yelp and jump on top of Brad. He instantly wraps
His arms around me.

"Shhh it's ok. I got you." Brad says soothingly.

I sniffle and and breathe in his scent. He smells sooo good.

I hear more thunder and star sobbing.

Brad picks me up and puts me in his bed.
He was about to go back to his sleeping bag but I graves his hand.

"No Brad stay with me." I said.

He didn't need to be told twice. Brad jumped right into the bed and pulled me into him.

I'm not going to lie. Him holding me made me feel 1,000 times better.

"Jo?" He whispered.

I turned my to look at him. His eyes shining.

"Yeah Brad?" I ask.

" I have to tell you something tomorrow. Whatever happens just know that I would never hurt you." He says before he goes to sleep.


He would never hurt me. I mean ya he gets protective sometimes and scares people off. Would he ever hurt me physically?
I just can't see it.

I drift off to sleep wondering what he was going to tell me.

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