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I woke up early with the sun shining in my face.
I turn to see Brad sleeping next to me.

Oh yeah I almost forgot what had happened last night.

I shake Brad's shoulder.
His pretty blue eyes open and I sigh at the sight of them.

"You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen." I put my hand over my mouth in shock. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug.

"I think your eyes are way prettier than mine." He says.

I blush at the compliment. I can never take a compliment without turning into a tomato.

I suddenly remember that he had something to tell me.

"Brad... What did you have to tell me?" I questioned.

"Hmm?" He hummed while smelling my hair. He does that often. Then after a second he stiffened.

"Oh uh...let me tell you after we eat breakfast. Ok?" He says while letting me go.

He pulls me off the bed and leads me toward the kitchen.


After breakfast Brad pulls me to his back yard.
Why are we out here?
He stops pulling me when we get tot he edge of the forest.

He looks like he is going to cry. Why is he so sad? Is it something I did? I dorm remember doing anything to upset him...

I look him in the eyes but he looks at the ground when we make eye contact.

I put my hand on his face and make him look at me.
Usually I don't get all touchy but it just feels right. The feeling I get when our skin touches just make me happy.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" I ask with worry.

He shakes his head.
"No you didn't do anything wrong I'm just nervous on how you are going to react." He says.

I don't have time to reply when he starts talking again.

"Just know I would never hurt you and that you should never be scared of me." Says while taking my hand in his.

"Jo, I'm a werewolf." He says.

At first I thought he was joking but then I saw the look in his eyes. And the fact that they were turning a silver color.

"Wh-what? How? That's impossible! Why didn't you tell me sooner! You kept this from me for a long time. I thought that you were my friend." I am pretty much yelling at him by now.

He blinks a couple times.

"You're not scared of me?
Why aren't you crying?" He asks.

I honestly don't know why I am not freaking out right now. I should be running away but something tells me that this is normal.

I am mad that I didn't know sooner. We are friends-best
friends at that! He knows everything about me but I didn't know this huge piece of information about him!

"I am mad that you didn't tell me sooner. And are you going to turn into a wolf? I need proof." I say while crossing my arms.

"Uh ok just don't make fun of me ok?" He says.

Why would I make fun of him. He can turn into a wolf!

"Whoa whoa! Brad what are you doing?" I scream at him when I realize that he is taking off his clothes.

He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Do you want my clothes to rip?" He asks me.

I shake my no.

I close my eyes when he takes of his pants.

After a while I hear bones cracking. The sound makes me cringe. Does that not hurt.

I open my eyes to see a smallish black wolf with bright silver eyes staring up at me.

The young matesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang