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I open the door to my house to be greeted by the smell of chocolate chip cookies.

"Jo! Come in the kitchen!" Squeals my mom.
She is unusually happier today.

"Hey momma" I greet her with a smile.
My eyes instantly meet Brad's blue eyes.

He gives me a look.
That look being 'you still have to tell me what happened.'

Oh yea.

"Brad and I are gonna be up in my room." I tell my mom.

"Ok. But come down soon I have some good news!" She chirps.


"And that's all that happened." I smile to try and cover up my awful lie.

I basically told him that I slipped on some water and fell down and hurt myself.
Bad lie, I know.

He looks at me like he knows I'm lying.

"Then why didn't you tell me on the way home? And why did you hug me? I mean I'm perfectly happy with the hug but you usually don't do that." He questions.

I look up at him, since I'm sitting on the edge of my bed and he is standing a few feet away from me.

He looks so serious with his arms crossed over his chest.

I can easily see the muscle in his arms- no stop it Jo!

"I uh-well you see-I" ...wow I need some lying lessons asap. It doesn't really help that Brad looks like a Greek god.

He steps closer to me until he is standing right in front of me. His eyes challenging me to lie again.

"You know that I don't like it when you lie to me." He says in a scary deep voice. His voice is already deep but wow this is a totally different voice.

I gulp and look everywhere but him.

I should just tell him. He's going to find out one way or another.

"Some girl that I never talked to was being awfully mean to me for no reason." I say while looking down.

He growls.

"Who?" He growls out.

Wow, he's pissed.

"Carry" I stutter out.

"It was no big deal. Brad, please let it go." I beg.
His breathing is becoming heavy.

Before I know it, I'm standing up and wrapping my arms around him.

He stiffens for a second then relaxes.

"It's ok. It was no big deal." I try to comfort him.
I don't know why he gets so angry when somebody messes with me.

"If it wasn't a big deal then why were you so upset?!
You were crying Jo!" I jump at how loud his voice got.

Brad seems to understand that his angry state is scary me.

He sighs.

" I'm so sorry Jo." He says while putting his head in the crook of my neck and breathing deeply.

I don't know why my so called 'scent' calms him down when he's angry.

I sigh.

"The reason why I was crying was because she said some very hurtful things.
And the things she was saying wasn't even true" I
explain with a frown.

I have no clue to why she would say stuff like that.
Especially since I have never talked to her.

"I swear when I see Carry I'm-" Brad starts to say but I cut him off.

" you are going to ignore her" I sat with a serious look.

He looks a me for a few seconds.

"You look hot when you're serious." Brad says while biting his lip.

My eyes go wide and I can feel my face heating up.

Every time we are having a serious conversation he has to go and say something like that!

I am very awkward at taking compliments. He knows it too. I think he just likes to see my reactions.

"Jo! Can you please come down here?!" Momma screams from the kitchen.

I grab brad's hand and pull him down the stairs. We walk through my small, but cozy living room.

My house is pretty small but I think it's perfect. It's more than enough space for me and momma.

"Yes momma?" I say while we walk into the kitchen.

"I still need to tell you something, but I'm afraid that it has to be in private." She gives an apologetic smile to Brad.

Brad doesn't look happy about this at all.

He nods his head and turns to me.

I hug him goodbye.
He kisses my cheek.

Once he leaves the house momma smiles at me and takes my hand. She then leads me to the living room.

"I met someone." She says with a small smile.

"Ok who?" I question.

She looks at me with a look in her eyes.

"The one."she says.

My eyes go wide.

"What?! Who is it?" I ask while jumping up.

"His name is daemon." She mutters while twirling her dark brown hair around her finger, like a school girl.

"How do you know he is THE one?" I question.

"I just do" she says quietly.

"When did you meet?" I ask.

She looks thoughtful for a second.

"About a week ago" she answers.

"But it feels like a lot more than that." She adds quickly after seeing my skeptical face.

"Don't worry I won't expect him to be your dad." She assures me.

I've never really had a dad.
When momma adopted me she wasn't married yet.

I don't really know how to respond to this information yet.

"So you guys are in love? For sure??"

"Yes Jo" she says.

"I want to meet him. I have a few questions for him." I say sassily. I put a hand on my hip for effect.

She laughs her hazel eyes sparkling.

"Ok tomorrow I will have him over for dinner." She says while standing up.

She gives me a hug.

" I'm going to the store to buy some things for tomorrow's dinner." She says.

"Ok. Be safe." I tell her.

When she's gone I head upstairs. I look out the window to see that it's already dark outside.

I look at my watch. What?! Its already 8:30?
Momma and I must've talked for a long time.

I hope she is safe.

A noise outside rattles me out of my thoughts. I look outside to see nothing.

I shrug it off and head to my bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower I wrap a towel around my body and head towards my closet.

I hear growl and feel hands wrap around my waist.

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