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"Was hiding in the bathroom really necessary?!" I ask while laughing.

Luke's telling me a story about the worst date in his life.

"Yes! This guy might've been hella cute but he smelt like cheese! And he talked with food in his mouth!!" Luke defended himself.

I just broke out in laughter again. My stomach is hurting from all of the laughing I've been doing. Luke has really helped me with getting my mind off of any thoughts of Brad.

"And don't get me started on his-" he stopped when there was a kick on the door.

I look at him and shrug before running downstairs. Momma is on a date with Daemon so I have to get it.

I open the door to an exhausted looking Brad.
I sigh in relief. The worry was eating me from the inside out at the thought of Brad getting hurt. I tried to not think about it but the nagging thought was always there. The thought of him with some other girl did cross my mind but I quickly shook off the idea. That was just the insecurities talking.

"Jo!" Brad yells before wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back tightly.

We are silent for a few moments before I hear Luke's footsteps.

"Girl where are you?! We haven't even gotten to the good part yet!!" Luke whines from a few feet away.

Brad stiffens and growls. He is breathing really heavy and his arms tighten around me to the point of pain.

Here we go again.

"Good part of what?" He growls out.

"A story Brad, a story." I say while detaching myself from him.

"Why hello there cutie." Luke says from behind me. It seems that he just noticed Brad's presence. And is now shamelessly checking him out.

I try to hide my smile at Brad's discomfort. I can see a faint blush on Brad's cheeks. He's so cute.

"Brad meet Luke. My new best friend." I say while pointing to Luke. A smile gracing my lips.

"Correction. I'm her gay best friend. GBF for short." He says while flipping his imaginary hair.

I giggle while Brad gives him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Luke." Brad says politely.

I'm shocked at his politeness. Maybe it's because Luke isn't a 'threat' to our relationship.

I've been thinking about our relationship. Are we even a couple? I mean, Brad acts like an overprotective boyfriend. He treats me like a girlfriend but hasn't asked me yet. I remember when we were kids, he was always telling me how I was going to be his girlfriend and that someday we were going to be married and have a family.

"Honey you alright? You left earth for a few minutes!" Luke says while snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I blink a couple of times and look over at Brad. He has a weird look on his face.

"What?" I ask him, putting my hand on his chest.

He seems to relax.

"Today I went with my dad to one of his meetings. And there's going to be a few students enrolling into our school tomorrow." He said.

I had a feeling he wasn't talking about his dad's work, but rather pack business. I'm relieved that he was just doing pack business. He sometimes has to go along with his dad to learn about alpha duties.

"That's awesome! Some new eye candy!" Luke squeals. Clapping his hands. He then does what looks like his happy dance.

I'll ask Brad the details later.

"So who's up for a movie?" I ask quietly.

"Meee!! It better have a hot guy or I'm not watching!" Luke tells us more like yells at us.

He scurries into the living room and looks through the dvd drawer. After the house tour it seems like he knows where everything is.

"How about this one?" Luke asks, holding up Magic Mike.

My eyes go wide and Brad about has a heart attack.

"No!" Brad yells while taking the disc from Luke and snapping it in half.

"Brad!" I yell while slapping his chest.

" I don't like you watching stuff like that!" He says while folding his arms across his chest.

" I don't. That was my mom's." Folding my arms across my chest I glare at him.

He blinks.


"How about 21 jump street?" Luke asks.

"I love that movie!" I squeal. Putting the movie in I sit back down on the couch.

"Channing Tatum is the best part!" Luke says.

I giggle.

"He is definitely the best part."

Luke sits on my left and Brad sits on my right grumbling about how Channing Tatum isn't the best part.

When the movie finished I realized Luke is fast asleep.
His head is leaning on my shoulder. And Brad is asleep as well. In the middle of the movie Brad stretched out his legs and put his head on my lap.

I really don't want to wake them up,so I snuggle into the couch and fall asleep.



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There's some comments about how short the chapters are. I get that you like the story and want more but that's not my writing style. To be frank that's probably how MOST of my chapters are gonna be. Sorry to disappoint.

I'm not bringing this up to point people out but more to tell you that most chapters are not going to be really long.

PS:There's going to be some new characters introduced in the next chapter.

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