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"Hello Alpha Lucas."

Stretching my hand out I shake the huge hand of one of the most powerful alphas in the U.S.

Dad thought it would be a great idea to make me come to one of his meetings...again.

It was unexpected too.

I have to go check on my sick mate! Just thinking about not being able to see and care for her is pissing me the hell off.

I haven't talked to her for about 6 hours and I need to know how she is doing.

Is she feeling better? Or does she have a fever?

Ugh this is bulls***!

My wolf is just pacing in my head and whining. It's very distracting.

I'm supposed to take "mental notes" as dad likes to call them. But I don't even pay attention to these meetings most of the time.

Like right now.
I'm thinking about my beautiful mate and how she is probably alone in her room reading, or sleeping.

"Brad?" My dads voice shakes me from my thoughts.

"Yes father?" I ask.

"If you need to check on her you may." He says while turning back to alpha Lucas.

I immediately sprint to the woods.

I shift into my black wolf. My vision and senses getting stronger.

Running in my wolf form back to Jo's house will take about 45 minutes.


I shift back to human form and see that her bedroom light is off.

Huh. She must of gone to bed early. Usually she has a hard time sleeping with out me. At least that's what I like to think.

I have no spare shorts because the ones I was wearing got ripped in my excitement to get to Jo.


So now I have to climb up to her room....naked. Just great.

Jo is super innocent and even though I'm a teenage boy i still respect her.

She's still mine anyway. Every experience she has is going to be with me.

I smirk at that.

Starting to climb the tree I look around to the other house to see if her neighbors are anywhere.

Nope I'm good.

I chuckle at the thought of her human neighbors looking out their window to see a naked teenage boy climbing up a window.

Sliding through her window
I see her asleep on her bed.

Totally forgetting that I'm naked I crawl into bed with her.

Pulling her close to my chest I breathe in her scent.
She sighs and snuggles into my chest.


Jo pov

I'm woken up by ruff finger tips brushing the side of my face. By the oh so familiar tingles i know who the fingers belong to.

I turn my face and give him a sleep filled smile.

I rub the crusties out of the corners of my eyes and stretch my arms out.

I feel much better today.

"How do you feel gorgeous?" Brad murmurs.

He pulls me against his chest and I smile. I missed him so much.

"Better." I say.

"That's good." He says while pulling away slightly.

He looks into my eyes and leans in to kiss my cheek.

My face heats up...like always.

"God I missed you so much." He says and crushes me to his chest again.

I smile and just enjoy being near him.

Today is going to be a good day.

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