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"Oh my gosh! Brad you are so cute!!" I squeal while sinking down to my knees.
My hands run over his soft fur.

I guess he seems to like it.
Judging by his wolffish smile.

Out of no where my stomach growls.

"I'm hungry." I say while getting up.

I start walking to his house but then stop. Oops, I almost forgot that he was still a wolf.

"Sorry Brad I didn't mean to forget yo-" I say while I turn around. Stopping when I notice Brad is butt naked.

"AHHHH" I scream while I run into the house.

"Honey what's wrong?" Brad's mom asks me.

I turn around to her with my face completely red. I look at her with wide eyes not being able to get the image out of my head.

"Eh uh I saw um eh his erm him." Is all I could get out before Brad comes through the door ,panting and only wearing pants.

I didn't think it was possible for my face to get even redder, but it did.

I let out a squeak before running up to his room and locking the door. Not wanting to face Brad anytime soon.

Definitely not hungry anymore.


Brad's P.O.V.

"I told you not to show her your wolf until she was ready! She doesn't understand!" My mom screams.

She must think that Jo is dealing out because I told her what i am. Well she is definitely wrong.

"Mom, mom...MOM!" I have to scream because she keeps rambling on and on about god knows what.

"There was an accident and she accidentally saw me naked." I say a little sheepishly. I didn't think she was gonna turn around.

She looks at me with a look that says "mmmhhm I'm sure that's what happened"

"Honest mom! She turned around to walk into the house. I thought she was dead set on getting food. Sooo I shifted and was about to get dressed really quick.
Then she turned around and saw me...naked." I finish my explanation.

Mom looks worried about something.

"How did she take the news?" She asks with a worried expression.

"She actually took it really well. I guess she just feels like it's normal or something. I was looking for more of a reaction. But I rather this than her hating me." I say.

My mom nods her head in agreement.

"True. I'm glad that she took it well." She says with happiness.

"Now go find her and tell her how sorry you are for showing her your little man." She says before turning around and mixing something in a bowl.

"Moooom!" I say in embarrassment. My face burning at her statement.

"And put a shirt on!" I hear her scream while I walk up the stairs.

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