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"Boo" Someone whispers.

That someone being Brad. I could tell by the shocks running through my body.

Why is he in my room at 9:00 at night?!

"Why are you here?" I question.

My heart is racing so fast. I thought some random werewolf was in my room wanting to kill me.

"Because I missed you." He murmurs in my ear. His hands start to rub small circles on my waist.

Oh. My. Gosh.

What is he doing.

Brad inhales deeply and sighs.
"You smell so good."

Uh oh that's the voice.
The voice that's scary and brings no good.

"Brad please I need to get dressed." I whined to mask my uneasiness.

Whatever he is wanting to do I'm definitely not ready for.

Brad just growls and hugs me to his chest.

I start to wiggle around trying to brake out of his hold.

In the struggle Brad suddenly stops.

I sigh in relief but then quickly tense up.
I feel a draft.

He has my towel.

I squeak and quickly cover up certain parts with my hands.

"Brad!? What is your problem!?" I screech at him.
He is acting very different.
This isn't my Brad.

"The towel was the problem but it's not the issue now." He says while pointing to my hands.

Oh my gosh who is this person. He would never do this to me.

"Brad you are embarrassing me. Please stop." My voice cracks at the end.

I feel so self cautious right now. He can see my stomach, which isn't flat like the werewolf girls.

My bottom lip quivers and my eyes tear up.

"Please." I whisper.

Then i break.
The tear that I was so desperately trying to hold in fell.

He seems to snap out of whatever he was in.
He looks at me crying and his face is so sad.

Good he should be upset for disrespecting me like that.

"Jo-I'm so sorry my wolf-"
I cut him off.

"Ya, ok your wolf. That's no reason to take my towel so I'm naked! You know how I feel about my body and you take my towel?! The only piece of clothing that's on me. What in the hell possessed you to do that?!"I usually don't cuss but I'm so angry at him.

"My wolf took over and wanted to mate you." He explains in a small voice.

Yeah that's right, he better feel guilty.

"Claim me. What in the world is that?! And why would he want to do it to me?!" What type of excuse is that?
He suddenly looks furious.
What? Why is he so mad. I'm the one who should be mad.

"Because you are my mate dammit! I should be able to claim you, look at you and kiss you! You are my beautiful mate that shouldn't be self cautious because you're the most wonderful creature in the world!" Brad exclaims with fury, his eyes now silver. His chest is rising up in down heavily with each breath.

I start crying again but for a whole different reason.
In a weird way, what he said was really sweet.

I walk over to him and engulf him in a hug.

He instantly relaxes.

We stay like that for a few minutes.

"Jo" he whispers softly.

I look up at his now blue eyes and handsome face that is slightly red.

"Yes?" I question.

"You're um still naked." He says.

I squeak and pull back from him and run to my closet.

Brad closes his eyes. This is the Brad I know. Well, the sweet, caring, considerate Brad.

After changing into some shorts and a tank, I get into bed. Brad just stands near me awkwardly.

I give him a questioning look.

"Look, Jo I'm so so so sorry.
My wolf never intended to embarrass you at all." He genuinely apologizes.

I give him a small smile.
"It's ok. I don't think I could ever stay mad at you for too long." I say.

He gives me that perfect smile of his and my heart flutters.

He still continues to stand there.

"Uh you can lay with me if you want..." I say while looking down.

He doesn't need to be told twice. Faster than I could say potato he's laying next to me with his arms around me.

I blush.

Then I remember something he said.

"What's a mate?"

I know it's always a cliff hanger buuut I will update tomorrow.

I don't mean for it to be cliff hangers I promise.

Thank you for the support. And also a big thanks to all of those who liked my sisters story it means a lot to me and her.

Vote and comment please.


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