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"Joooo!!!!! There is someone here to see you!" Momma screams from downstairs.


I didn't go to school today because I woke up feeling like poo. Mom confirmed that I have a cold, but it could turn into something else if I don't rest.

(Pfft if I had a cold my parents would be like.
"Still going to school.")

I already told Brad and he said that he would come around 6:00. It's only 2:00 in the afternoon, so I wonder who's at the door.

It could be Luke but he never misses a day of school. He's going for perfect attendance this year.

I walk slowly down the stairs . My body aches and I'm really cold.

"Joanna! What are you doing out of bed!?" Momma asks.

I look at her wide eyed. It's never good when she says my full name.... But she also likes to be dramatic.

"Meeting the person that's here to see me?" I say....more like ask.

"I was going to bring her up to your room! Well, since you're down here then you can just talk to her here. Just don't touch her since your sick!" She says before walking into the kitchen.

I walk over to the front door to see Wolf.

"Um hey." I say softly.

"Hello. I heard from Brad that you are feeling ill?" She says in that perfect British accent.

"Yea I'm not feeling too good. I was planning on going to school today, but my mom wouldn't let me."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I just wanted to stop by and say hello." She says.

"Oh you can come in if you want..." I say awkwardly.

"Ok! Cool! I haven't had much time for friends since I took the alpha position." She says excitedly walking up the stairs.

She considers me as a friend?

I follow her and she walks straight into my room.
I don't think anything of it. She has a great sense of smell and probably smelt a lot of my scent in here.

"So how come you don't have many friends?" I ask while siting down on my bed.

She follows my actions.

"Well I guess when I'm giving orders, hosting pack meetings, and meeting with other alphas there's really no time for socializing with people." She says with a shrug.


My nose starts to get stuffy.
Great. I start blowing my nose.

A buzzing sounds through the room.

Wolf takes out her phone and reads a text.

"I have to go. I just got an email from my beta. Pack business awaits." She says with a small smile.

I give her a smile in return.

She bends down and gives me a hug.

Waving she walls out of the door.

I wonder why she left school early.

I sigh.

What should I do to pass by the time until Brad gets here?

I just curl up in a ball and fall asleep.


I'm woken up by someone shaking me.
Slowly opening my eyes. I see......Daemon?

"Daemon? What are you doing here?" I ask while sitting up and stretching.

"I got here at about 3:30 to how you were doing, but you were fast asleep." He explains.

Aww. How nice. He's such a nice guy. I'm so glad mom has him.

"Thank you." I say softly.

"No problem. I just wanted to let you know that your mom went to run a few errands and that Brad couldn't come see you after school. His mom called your mom right when you fell asleep." He says.

I blink taking in the information.

"Do you know why he can't come." I say with a pout.

Why can't he come?

I miss him so much! It's only been like 18 hours but I miss him.

"I'm sorry sweetie I don't know." Daemon says with a comforting smile.

"Ok. Um I think I'm gonna go back to sleep." I say.

"Ok then sleep well now." He says nicely walking out of the room.

I curl up in a ball. Wishing Brad was with me...


Ughhhhh schoool :(

The first week always sucks.
Sorry for not updating in a while and that this chapter sucks and is short. I'll most likely up date soon.

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