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Wait why can't my mommy pick me up? Is she hurt?
I started to freak out at the thought of mommy being hurt.

I think Brad could tell.
"Jo don't worry everything's fine....right mom?" He asked his mom.

"Yes, everything is fine. Your mom's car broke down and she worried that if she picked you up it would be really late. And she just thought that it would be best if you stayed with us for the night." Brad's mommy told me in a calm voice.

I'm happy to hear that mommy is ok, but I never had a sleepover before. I just can't believe that my first sleepover is with a boy!!!
Boys have cooties right??!!!

I guess I will just have to deal with it. I mean, Brad is my only friend....ok my best friend, so how bad can it be?

"Ok kids dinner is ready go wash up."


Dinner was so hectic. There was so many people at the huge dinning table. I just scooted closer to Brad because of my shyness. I don't usually get she but when I do I just stop talking to people.

"Ok kids go get ready for bed." Brad's daddy said in a loud voice. He scares me.

Brad stands up and pulls me along with him.

What am I going to wear for bed? I can't wear my jeans to bed. I can at least wear my blue t-shirt.

"Brad, I don't have pjs." I tell him after we brushed our teeth. I had to use and extra toothbrush.

"It's ok I think I have some small shorts for you. It might be a little big on you. I hope you don't mind." He says with a little bit of worry in his voice.

I nod. "That's perfect thank you Brad." I say with a small smile.

We walk into his room and Brad pulls out small shorts from the back of his closet and hands them to me.

I take them and start to turn around to the bathroom that is attached to his room. I feel a tug on my arm. There goes the shocks again. I'm getting used to the feeling.

I turn around, confused.

"Where are you going?" He asks me.

"Um..I just wanted to get changed." I say.

He looks at me kinda funny.

"Just change right hear. You'll eventually change in front of me." He says with a half smile on his face. His eyes full of mischief.

Wait what?!?! He wants me to change right hear? Nu-uh, noooo way.

"Brad!! I can't change I front of you!!" I scream at him embarrassed.

He lets out a loud laugh.

"Ok I'll turn around but please don't leave me." He says looking a little sad. Why is he sad?

"I'm just going in the bathroom for a minute." I say confused.

"I know...but I get sad when not near you." He says while giving me a small smile.

He turns around while I get dressed for bed.

"Ok I'm good" I say.

Next thing I know Brad is taking his shirt off along with his pants.

"Brad!!! What are you doing?!?" I scream.

"I sleep with just my boxers on." He says while he climbs into bed.

I look around trying to find a place for me to sleep.
I turn to Brad to see him patting the spot next to him.

Uh oh....

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