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"Happy birthday toooo
Yoooouuuu!!!!" My face is bright red by the end of the song.

I stand there awkwardly while everyone is cheering. After a moment I look down to the 15 candles and blow them out.

The whole pack is here and some friends from school.
I just wanted Brad's family
And momma for my birthday party but Brad wanted to go all out.

Usually we just do that and watch movies afterwords so this huge party is a little out of my comfort zone.

I'm actually a lot more comfortable with the pack than I was three years ago.
My shyness has to get in the way of things, but I'm trying to open up to people.

I have made three friends this year. That's a personal best.

There is Haley, Mary, and Camiah. Haley and Mary are identical twins. They have Browns eyes, brown hair and are extremely tan. Only Mary is slightly taller than Haley. Camiah has light brown skin and curly brown hair that goes to her mid back. And don't get me stared on her beautiful hazel eyes.

Brad being Brad didn't want me to make any guy friends.

I literally met them like two weeks ago, but it feels longer than that.

"How does it feel to finally be 15?!" Camiah asks excitedly. Her eyes shining with happiness.

"I feel the same." I say while laughing.

She laughs and gives me a bear hug.

I look around to see everyone dancing and having a good time. Well at least they are having fun.

I have been slightly distracted this whole time.
Brad is no where to be seen.
I haven't seen him all day.
Why would he not show up to my party that he pretty much planned?

I am slightly hurt but I'm trying to stay positive.
Maybe he got stuck in traffic?

Wait that's stupid because the party is at his house and he rode here with me after picking me up. He just disappeared!!


All of a sudden the music stops and everyone is looking behind me.

I turn around to see Brad in all of his glory.

"Brad" I breathe out in relief.

I run to him and give him a hug. I turn my to rest in the middle of his chest.

He has been growing more and more. He's 6'4 now. Like holy crap!

I then snap my head up to give him a glare.

"Where have you been?" I question anger laces in my voice.

I hear 'ooohs' from some boys in the crowd of people.
Oops I forgot that there's people watching.

I blush and start getting shy again.

Brad notices my discomfort and growls lowly at people.
The music is instantly turned back on and the party is in full swing again.

"I'm sorry I was making sure your present was ready." He says while stroking my cheek tenderly. I sigh and lean into his touch.

"Ok. I was worried." I tell him.

"Hey JO come dance with us!!" Camiah screams from the dance floor.

I loo at Brad debating whether or not I should.
He nods encouragingly.

"Go have fun." He says while kissing my cheek.

I blush and scramble to the dance floor.

After the party Brad wanted to show me my present.
But he wanted it to be a complete surprise so he blind folded me.

I know we are in a car now.

We have been in here for about five minutes when the car stopped.

He carries me and puts me down gently.

"Ok you can take it off now." He says.

I take my blind fold off to see that we are in my back yard and there's a huge trampoline sitting in the middle of it.

I squeal and run to it.

I can hear him laughing.

I'm so happy right now. I have always wanted one ever since I saw Brad's mini trampoline in his room.

I get on and start jumping.
Brad follows my actions and starts to jump with me.

This is the best birthday ever.

This chapter is short but whatever. Hope you guys thought it was alright.

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