The group was just a bunch of nerds, they all were geeky boys some with plaid shirts and glasses, they was a couple of girls, but they didn't seem all that interested.

Mom walked into one of the classrooms and made me sit right at the front as I tried to sit at the back, I sat at a desk closest to the window to avoid Mom the best I could. This was the most embarrassing thing ever.


I opened my slides with a presentation on an introduction to neurosurgery, then started to explain the parts of the brain. I saw a glimpse of Harper from the corner of my eye to my surprise she looked rather interested as she sat with her amused face.

"The frontal lobe is the largest lobe of the four major lobes as you can see it is located at the front of the cerebral hemisphere, in front of the parietal lobe and the temporal lobe" I said pointing to the diagram on the board, I looked over at Harper to see her smiling through out.

"It is parted from the parietal lobe by a groove between tissues called the central sulcus and from the temporal lobe by a deeper grove called the lateral sulcus" I continued to explain to see Harper taking notes still smiling.


I kept noticing Mom looking at me, I got embarrassed as it actually was interesting.
I was shocked that it sparked an interest in me, I guess already knowing a lot about the brain from my Mom I pretty much knew about it already, but hearing her explain it all made me realise I was generally interested.

I decided to continue taking notes throughout her presentation.

"I have brought in a couple of model brains for us to look at" Mom said as she reached into her bag and pulled out her favourite model brains, including the one I had made for her.

"This model brain is rather special and brings onto my slide show about memories, think about your brain photographing every memory and storing them as a string, each time you remember a memory you pull out an image it makes you feel happy or sad or angry." Mom said as she pulled out all the silly selfies of us from the slot of the brain I had designed.

Mom and I locked eyes and smiled at each other warmly.

Mom had turned on a video of a surgery that was recorded of her removing a Meningioma from a patient.

I watched the video amused at how amazing my Mom is at her job, it made me feel inspired I felt as if I wanted to be like her. I knew I wouldn't be able to, with all my needs and neurodiversities. Also having dyscalculia made it a 0% chance of me even getting into college or med school, I can't even get a grade above F in math and sciences. I could only really understand about the brain and some other organs in biology, but that was about it. So that career was out of option!
The presentation was over and the school day was over.

"Harper, I have a surprise for you at the hospital" Mom said as we got into the car, I was rather confused.

We pulled up outside of the hospital, she held my hand and ran inside to the imaging room.

Mom opened the door turned on the light.
I saw the room with multiple scans of this rather large tumour that was spread over different lobes of the brain.

My eyes looked at the large tumour, I was interested. I started to stim uncontrollably out of excitement it was fascinating, I flapped my hands and started to jump up and down.
"This is a tumour I've been working out how to remove it's risky, but I'm willing to try" Mom said as I looked at the tumour and traced my finger over it on the CT scan"
"I thought I could use an extra pair of eyes" Mom said, I was confused why me I'm not a neurosurgeon.
"But I won't know what to do I'm not a neurosurgeon" I said laughing but also rather puzzled.
"I know, but I need your great attention to detail" She said as she wrapped her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder.

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