Don't let them get to you

Start from the beginning

"I really think you should tell him. I bet it's somewhere on social media anyways and he will get tagged in stuff like that. Why do you think he shouldn't know? You guys love each other. He would want to be there for you." Stevie tells her friend.
She's glad she doesn't have social media anymore, she really doesn't want to know what people have to say about her. Now she doesn't read it so it can't hurt her either.

So far nobody has called her any names like they did with Tina, she also expects if Daniel would ever hear anybody say something like that to her he would go after them.
Charles would probably have done the same if he was there.

"Maybe I should just listen and let him go to find somebody who isn't just a nanny. I love my job, don't get me wrong, but I guess men like Charles should be with somebody who is richer and prettier. I'm a nobody from a country that many people don't even know, I have nothing to offer him." Tina feels a tear running down her cheek.

"Hey! Don't say that. Do you love him?" Stevie asks her as she turns around, her hair can wait. Tina needs her right now.
"I love him more than anything, but sometimes when you love somebody you have to let them go right?" Tina sniffs.

"Not in this case. Charles adores you, it would break his heart if you broke up with him. Not to mention how much it would break yours. I totally understand that those words hurt, of course they do. But leaving Charles and both being miserable isn't the solution."
Stevie wraps her arms around her friend who starts to sob.

"Oh sweetheart, please don't let those people get to you, I know it's easier said than done. But in the end who is the one who gets to kiss Charles? Who gets to wake up next to him when you are together? Who does he want to be with? The only answer to those questions is you. The people saying things like that are jealous, they want what you have, but they can't because they are nasty and Charles would never be interested in people like that."

Stevie hopes her words will get through to Tina, because it would be madness if she would sacrifice her happiness and Charles's just because people feel the need to interfere with their lives.
"But what if at some point he will realize he could do so much better than me? Maybe I should just break up with him to it so he can't break my heart."

"He won't, because he knows he can't do better than you. Charles is a romantic guy, I know he's not from France, but Monaco is still surrounded by France and very close to Italy. So I bet a lot of the French and Italian romantic influence is also found in Monaco. Charles doesn't go for status or influence. Charles follows his heart and he will go for the one he loves. Whether that is somebody who cleans toilets for a living or is the princess of Monaco herself. As long as he loves her and she loves him, that's who he will be with. And he loves you more than anything, he stood up to your mom for you, he introduced you to his family. He's serious about you."

Tina let's Stevie's words sink in and she knows Stevie has a point, but she doesn't know how much more of the hate she can take. It is so hard not to let it affect her and she doesn't want Charles to be bothered by it either.

Why can't people just accept the fact that Charles and her are together? They are in love and she wants nothing more than to be with him, but having all those hateful comments and gossip makes it a lot harder to believe it's meant to be.

"I will think about it. Now let's get your hair done so you can knock Daniel off his feet."
"Thanks. But please call Charles. He won't like it if he has to find out through social media or somebody else."

Tina nods as she pushes Stevie back on the stool.
Not much later Stevie admires herself in the mirror. Tina really did some magic, her hair is hanging down in soft curls, her make up flawless and her dress fits perfectly. She feels beautiful and sexy at the same time.

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