Severus Snape

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I woke up and we all got dressed I put on this and we headed downstairs and this is what I had on for class. 

We went to breakfast and I saw my mom and dad I hugged Mom and said: "  Is there any planning you need help with

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We went to breakfast and I saw my mom and dad I hugged Mom and said: "  Is there any planning you need help with."  She looked at me and said: "  No but I would love to see you dance."  I looked at her and said: "  I will dance at the party if that's what you want mama."  She looked at me and said: "  Yes I will be going now I need to get everything in the ballroom before tonight and remember make your girls look good."  I looked at her and said: "  You know I will mama."  I hugged her and we went to class Pansy looked at me and said: "  What does your mom mean by dancing."  I looked at her and before I could say anything Professor Snape looked at us and said: "  Ms. Dumbledore may I ask what you two girls are talking about." I looked at him and said: " Nothing Professor Snape sorry."  I looked at Pansy and said: " We will talk later I promise."  She looked at me and nodded by the time class was over my mom took us to get our dresses and my dance wear she looked at me and said: "  How can you dance in that." I looked at her and said: "  While my family called it the snake dance it is where we use our bodies to talk not our voices."  She looked at me and said: " Omg teach me how to do that."  I looked at her and said: "  I already hate doing this can you promise me something."  She looked at me and said: "  Whatever it is I promise." I looked at her and said: "  Whatever happens tonight you will not get mad and I promise I don't like anyone here not Darco not one."  She looked at me and said: "  Breath and tell me what you mean." I looked at her and said: "Every time I do this dance girls get mad at me."  She looked at me and said: "  I promise I will not get mad none of us will."  They all looked at me and nodded and we hugged and we went and got ready for the ball I stopped by Snape's class because I left my book and he looked at me and said: "  Ms.Dumbledore what are you doing here."  I looked at him and said: "  I forgot my book in your class what are you making Professor Snape." As I was going to his desk he stopped me and said: " Nothing you may leave Ms.Dumbledore."  I looked at him and said: "  Ok thank you for making sure no one takes it."  He nodded and I went and got ready for the ball I put on the dance outfit with the mask and I went and danced I looked at Pansy and said: "  Please don't ever tell anyone this was me." I went and danced. 

Starts at 0:00 and Ends at 2:09

After dancing my mother looked at me and said: " That was our beautiful dancer people and thank you for coming to the Hogwarts ball."  I met up with Pansy and she looked at me and said: "  You are wonderful you have to teach me that."  I looked at her and said: " I will and maybe you could do it with me one day."  She looked at me and said: " Ok now let's get you into your dress."  I go and put on this and keep my mask and we walk into the ball and I could feel everyone looking at me. 

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Everyone looked at me and a tall man with black hair came up to me as I was getting something to drink and said: "  Would you like to dance miss

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Everyone looked at me and a tall man with black hair came up to me as I was getting something to drink and said: "  Would you like to dance miss." I looked at him and I looked at Pansy and said: " Do you know who this is." She looked at me and said: " No clue mister she would love to."  I grabbed his hand and we danced his hands were soft and his eyes were beautiful I looked at him and I looked around to see we were the only ones dancing Hermione looked at everyone and said: " Now take off your mask to see who you are dancing with."  I was about to take off mine when I looked up to see Snape I looked at him and I knew I remembered that smell from somewhere I should have known but the old books smell he looked at me and said: "  Ms it is time for you to take off your mask."  I looked at him and said: "  Crap you're not going to like if I do."  Hermoine came up to me and said: "  Take off your mask."  I looked at her and said: " Omg shut the hell up why did you want us to even do that."  I looked at Snape and he said: "  I get it I will be leaving."  I grabbed his hand and took it off he looked at me shocked and said: "  Ms. Dumbledore you smell like books, the forest, and fall."  I looked at him and before I could say anything Pansy said: "  Y/n we need to leave now before people start looking."  I looked at Pansy and we ran out and the girls came back and said no one knew it was me but everyone was wondering who was the woman dancing with Snape I looked at them and said: "What do I do I have his class on Monday Pansy looked at me and said: "It's ok it was just a dance right."  I looked at her and said: " Yeah we won't talk about this tomorrow." Everyone agreed and we all went to sleep I woke up and went to the library again and I saw Snape there I was about to leave when he said: "  Hold it right there Ms.Dumbledore."  I looked at him and said: "  I looked at him and said: " Yes Professor Snape I know I will go back to my room." He looked at me and said: "It's not that follow me." I followed him and said: " Where are we going."  We go to his class and he says "  We are going to do the potions right we could have done it wrong."  I looked at him and we started to do it he looked at me and said: "  Does yours still smell the same." I looked at him and said: " Does yours."  He nodded at me and said, " Why do you like me." I looked at him and said: " I like how you try to make me feel safe and how honest you are."  I looked at him and before I could say anything he looked at me and said: " I like how you're smart and how you made every one of the Slytherins get along that doesn't always happen."  I looked at him and said: "OK I need to go back to my room before Pansy knows I'm gone."  I move and I almost fall he catches me and we look at each other and he kisses me and I push him into his chair and get onto him and ad kiss him we move away and we breathe and he says "  We shouldn've done that." I looked at him and said: "Let's not think about all that right now let's just sit here."  He nods and hugs me I kiss him and say "  It's morning I need to get back."  He looked at me and said: "OK I need to get back too."  We leave and as I get into my room and all the girls are up Pansy looks at me and says: "  Where have you been all night."  I looked at them and said: " I was in the library reading some I would not wake anyone."  One of the girls looked at me and said: "  I went to the library and you were not there."  I looked at her and Pansy looked at me and said: "  Where were you."  I looked at her and said: "OK I went outside please don't tell Grandpa he will be upset I just need to clear my head."  All the girls leave but Pansy looks at me and says: "  Y/n your lipgloss is all over your face."  And she left I looked at her as she slammed the door I put on some clothes and during breakfast, she won't talk to me I looked at her in Professor Snape's class and said: " Please Pansy you have to believe me." She looked at me and said: "  Where were you last night you came back with your makeup all over your face and lied to us."  I looked at Snape and he looked at us and I said: "  Professor Snape can me and Pansy go to the restroom."  He looked at me and said: " Yes Ms. Dumbledore you both may go."  We go outside and she says "  Tell me who you were with."  I looked at her and said: "  Ok I was with a boy but I can't tell you because I don't know where  this going to go."  She looked at me and said:" It's ok that's all you had to say you just wanted to know this boy first before he met us."  We go back to class and when everyone leaves Snape asks me to stay and he kisses me and says "  I have been in your mind all day." I looked at him and said: "  Why what did you see."  I looked at him and said: "  What did you see Professor Snape."  He looked at me and said: " I saw last night and many more nights you wish to have." He kissed me and I looked at him and said: " Are we trying this."  He looked at me and said: "  Yeah we are trying it."  He kissed me and put me on his desk I opened my eyes and looked to see Grandpa. 

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