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I get to the airport and I see Aunt Athena in her cop car I looked at her and I ran and hugged her and she said: "  It's good you job got you here."  I looked at her and said: "  It's good to be back."  We get in the car and she says " I got some people I want you to meet."  I looked at her and said: "  I will meet them later I want to get some coffee with the girls." She  took me to my sister's house and she looks at us and says " I got to go back to work."  I looked at her and said: "  OK tells us when you want to meet up later to meet your friends."  We get in the car and go to this coffee shop as I was getting our coffee I run into someone as I do I looked at him and said: "  I am so sorry I'm just really in a hurry."  He looked at me and had coffee on his shirt he looked at me with a big smile and said: "  It's ok maybe I could help you."  He grabbed two of the cups out of my hands and said: "  My name is Buck by the way."  I looked at him and said: "  My name is Y/n it's nice to meet you well run into you." We get the coffee to the table and my sister are smiling I looked at him and said: " Let me buy you a coffee since I was the one who put it on your shirt."  He looked at me and said: " I would like that."  As we go back up there to get his coffee he looked at me and said: "  Can I a least get your number so I can call you." I looked at him and said: " Your luck you have a cute smile." He laughed and I put my number in his phone and he put his number in my phone." He hugs me and he leaves me and then my sister starts asking me all kind of questions.

Buck Pov 

I text her on my way to work she texted me back and said she was happy she met me and she is at the music studio all day I didn't know she wrote music. As I walked into the firehouse I was sitting at the table still texting her next thing I know Eddie came  He came up to me and said: "  What happen to you, Buck."  I looked at him and then went to my locker and changed shirts and I looked at Eddie and said: "  I run into a really cute woman today and she give me her number." He looked at me and hit me on the back and said: "  That's what's up what is her name." I looked at him and said: "  Her name is Y/n."  He looked at me and said: "  Dude you don't know who that is do you."  I looked at him and said: "  What are you talking about." He pulled out his phone and showed me this. 

I looked at him and said: "  I know she is a singer."  He looked at me and said: "  She is one of the best pop singers  in  the world."  I looked at him and said: " I don't care she is cute."  As were talking I get a call it was Y/n I answered and I said: "  Hey what's going on."  And she said: " Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow." I was shocked and I said: "  Ok I would love to go out with you."  

Y/n pov 

As I was going to the girl's house I run into someone I look up to see it was Buck and I said: "  I am always running into you huh."  He looked at me and said: " Yeah I guess the world is a small place." I looked at him and said: "  I guess it is a small world what are you doing."  He looked at me and said: "  I was going for a run would you like to go get a drink."  I looked at him and said: " I would love to go to."  He looked at me and as we go to a bar and he says "  So your a singer." I looked at him and said: "  Yeah I always loved singing as a kid so I went for it I am also still in college." He looked at me and said: "  Well I am a firefighter and  I am  26."  I looked at him and said: "  I am a singer and I am 25."  I looked at him and laughed and he said: " I always wanted to date a firefighter when I was a teenager." He laughed and then said: "  Why was that." I looked at him and blushed and said: " It's nothing."  He grabbed my chin and said: "  Tell me, baby girl."  I looked in his eyes and said: "  I always wanted to be picked up and fucked on a wall I guess in my mind a firefighter can do that." He looked at me and got up I thought he would leave but he grabbed my legs and picked me up and said: "  I guess you were right." I looked into his eyes as he puts me down on my feet and said: "  I guess it's time for you to go home." I looked at him and said: "  It is getting late but I would really love to stay."  As we were about to leave but one of my song came on I looked at him and grabbed his hand and said: " Please can we dance." We go to the dance floor and we dance to this. 

He grabbed my waist and I moved and I could feel him getting hard he looked at me and I said: " I think it's time we go." He kissed my cheek and then my neck and said: "  Yeah we need to go I have work in the morning."  I looked at him as we started to walk out of the bar he walked me to my house and kissed me on the lips and said: "  I will see you tomorrow." 

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