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This is a soon-to-be Queen who will be leaving and taking a break to live her life before she becomes Queen and she runs into Geralt and Ciri." 

As I get to the Castle with my sister we knock on the Castle door we just left our home to take a break into I become queen I am not ready for it I will learn as we knocked on the castle door our grandfather opens the door and says " Oh my god your here I thought you would still be at home." I looked at him and said: " I am going to become Queen soon so I am taking a break and thank you Grandpa Vesemir for letting us stay into we go where ever else we want to go." He hugged us and said: " You two are welcome here anytime." We walk in and I see all the witchers they looked at us and someone said: " Who are they and why are they here."  As he says that Vesemir said: "  These are my granddaughters let me explain."  Ever looked shocked but I said: "  My grandma was a witch who fall in love with Vesemir and she find a way to have a baby with Vesemir."  They looked at me and said: "  Wait can you have a child with a witcher as well."  Vesemir looked at him and said: "  Lambert you don't ask that question."  I looked at him and said: "  Well I don't know that Lambert the only person who knew was my grandmother and she is no longer with us." Vesemir looked at me a little sad and said: " You look just like her."  As I hug him I said: "  I will be in the kitchen cooking dinner." Everyone looked at me a little confused and I said: " It's something I have grown to like."  I get dinner ready and we all eat and go to sleep I use magic to make our rooms a little better and we go to sleep for the night. 

We woke up the next morning and I was getting breakfast ready as I was doing that I could hear everyone getting up I walk in the room and I see a man and a little girl walk in Vesemir grabbed me and said: " This is my granddaughter Y/n."  He looked at me and I looked at him and for a mintue into someone cleared their throat I looked at him and blessed a little and said: "  My name is Y/n."  He looked at me and said: "  My name is Geralt and this is Ciri."  She looked at me and said: "  Hey you got flour on your nose."  I wipe the flour off my nose and I said: " I am going to finish in the kitchen Ciri do you want to come with me."  She looked at me and said: " No i'm good I will stay here." I go back in the kitchen and we get done with breakfast  and now we're sitting there watching Lambchops telling a story as he was talking I could feel Grealt staring at me and then some came to the door they all go and hugged each other then he looked at Ciri and walked to her and said: "  Who the fuck are you." She looked at him and said: "  Princess Cirilla of Cintra nice to meet you."  I smiled she had a little fire to her like I had when I was growing up. He looked at me and said: "  And who is this."  I looked at him and said: " I am the women who can end your life with a look."  He looked at me and when my eye's turned blue he looked away and then we all go back to talk he killed some monster and it almost killed him after that they invented girls to the castle I went to Garalt and said: " It's not safe for them to be here."  He looked for a while and said: "  I agree I will go talk to them."  

Geralt Pov 

I was watching the party and I was about to go say something then Y/n came to me and said: "  It's not safe for them to be here." She was wearing this beautiful night gown and it fit her body perfectly. She looked at me as I keep looking at her wearing this 

I looked at her and said: "  I agree I will go talk to them

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I looked at her and said: "  I agree I will go talk to them."  As I was going to talk to Eskel he looked at me and said: "  Are you done putting your princess to bed."  I looked at him and said: "  I know you're in pain but they can't be here."  He looked at me and said: "  I know when I find a princess the last thing I will do is play knight."  He tried to punch me and I grabbed him and said: " Go to bed."  I was going to check on Ciri when one of the women I use to sleep with she looked at me and grabbed my hand and I stopped her."  

Y/n Pov 

He was talking to a woman and I was a little mad and I didn't know why I see Ciri going somewhere with Grandpa I wasn't worried I went to my room to see my sister in it and she said: "  Your mate is here and we both know who it is."  I looked at her and said: "  Can we not talk about this right now." Lambchop comes in our room and says "  We need to go ladies."  I looked at him and said: "Where is Ciri."  He looked at me and said: "  She is with the other girls."  I looked at him as we were walking to where the girls were and I said: " Where is Geralt ."  He looked at me and said: " Stop asking questions and stay in here with them."  After a while, I tell Ciri to stay with my sister and I go find Geralt. 

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