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He looked me in my eyes and the next thing I knew I saw Triss she looked at us and said: "  It's ready."  My magic turned red and Geralt looked at me but before he could day anything I looked at them and said: "  I am going out I need some air."  He looked at me and before he could say anything I was gone. 

Geralt pov 

I don't understand Y/n sometimes I look at Triss and say: " What is wrong with her everytime we talk when someone shows up she gets angry and walks away from me." Triss looked at me and said: "  She is a jealous woman she wants time with you she likes you Geralt."  I looked at her and said: "  No she doesn't." Triss laughed and said: "  You really don't know woman do you."  As she says that Y/ n walked in and Lampchop grabbed her neck and said: "  Heal my hand."  I was about to get up but she burns him and said: "  We had a deal you dumbass say sorry and I will heal you."  She grabbed him pushed his head onto the table and said: " Say sorry and I will let you go I am stronger than you witcher."  I kept calling her name but she just looked at me and looked away Lampchop looked at Ciri and Ciri said: " Y/n he already said sorry Let him go please."  She let him go and healed his hand then slapped him and said: "  You put your hands on my neck again I will kill you."  I got up and tried to grab her hand I just wanted to talk but she pulled her hand away she walked away and I followed her she looked at me and siad: " Leave me alone Grealt."  I looked at her and said: "  What did I do tell me." She looked at me and siad: "  You are dumb as hell Geralt."  I grabbed her neck and she finally looked at me her eyes are so beautiful I looked at her and she kissed me. 

Y/n Pov 

I couldn't help it he was so handsome and I really liked him I have the whole time he looked at me and said: " Y/n we can't your Vesemir granddaughter."  I looked at him and I was angry I thought he liked me the way he looked at me I thought I was right but I was stupid I walked away as he called my name I didn't even want to look at him it was getting dark I got dressed I was going into town to get drunk I wanted to get my mind off it all I looked to see Ciri going to bed I missed dinner but it was fine I just needed to get out of there I put this on and went downstairs. 

As I was about to walk out Geralt stopped me and said: "  What the hell are you wearing

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As I was about to walk out Geralt stopped me and said: "  What the hell are you wearing."  Why do you care."  He looked at me and said: "  You need to go change." I looked at him and said: " Who the hell are you to tell me what to do."  He looked at me and said: " I don't want to fight about this." I went to the door and said: "  Good we don't have to I am leaving I will be back to make breakfast."   Geralt looked at me and yelled and said: "  STOP we need to talk." I went to the door and I opened it as I was walking out he grabbed me and picked me up and said: " I wasn't asking you I was telling you as we got to my room on then he puts me on my bed and said: " Ok we need to talk about this."  I looked at him and got up and said: " No we don't."  He looked at me and said: " Someone will try to take you in that." I looked at him and said: " And what if that is why I am missing someone to touch me you know that is why I am going now move Geralt." He looked at me and as I was heading to the door he looked at me and said: "  No stop you need to change now." I looked at him and said: "  No Why do you care to tell me." He grabbed me and kissed me and I pushed him off and I said: "  You can't do that You can't kiss me but tell me you don't like me in that way." His eyes were dark he looked at me and said:   I do like you I am just not used to having feelings for someone."   I kissed him and I took off my dress he kissed me back and said: " No one can see you like this but me do you understand Kitten." I looked at him and said: "  No one ever will Geralt."  He put me on the bed and kissed down my body I looked at him and said: "  Geralt  stop if you don't want this to go to far."  He kissed me and kissed my neck and said: "  What if I do want this to go there I need you I need to be inside you."  I kissed him and got on top of him and said: " I have always wanted to do this." I sat down on his cock he was a lot bigger then I thought I cam without even having to wait he looked at me and said: " Did you cum just buy sitting on my cock."  I looked at him and moved up and down on his cock and said: "  Yes I did move your hips please." He looked at me and his eyes where black and he started to move his hips harder I looked at him and said: " More Geralt please I need more." He moved harder as he eyes turned back to normal as I was about to cum he grabbed me and sat me on the bed I looked at him and said: "  Grealt what are you doing why did you stop." He looked at me and then my pussy and backed away I get up and he said: "  No we need to talk put on pants please your scent it smells so good." I looked at him and got closer and said: " What happened Grealt I thought you loved the way I feel." He stepped closer and said: " I do love the way you feel on my cock but sex isn't helping right now." I kissed him and he looked at me and spanked me that made me bite his lip he turned me around and spanked me again and said: " Stop and go put on clothes now." I looked at him as I put my clothes on I looked at him and said: "  If you don't want me to jump on top of you again put some clothes on." He put clothes on and said: "  Ok I like you I do a lot but your going to  be queen on day I don't want you to stop your life for me." I looked at him and kissed him he spanked me and I moaned and said: "  My brother won his war and came home so I am just a princess now and this princess needs you Geralt." He looked at me and grabbed my ass and said: "  I don't want to hurt you." I moaned and looked at him and siad: "  Is there someone else."  He looked at me and said: " No there is no one else." Before I could say anything he kissed my neck and took off my shirt someone open the door and Geralt moved in front of me so no one could see I looked to see my sister I looked at her and said: "  What do you need Sophie."  She looked at us and said: "  Nothing Grandpa needs you two downstairs now." Me and Geralt looked at each other and went downstairs I looked to see grandpa sitting looking at the tree he looked at me and said: "  I got a letter for your brother he is find and he has no wounds and your dad has found someone for you to marry your dad and brother are here in the other room." Geralt looked at the door and then at me and said: "  You need to go they are your family." He walked away but I grabbed him and kissed him and said: " But I love you and I will tell them that." He looked at me and said: "  A princess can't love a witcher." I looked at him and said: "  A Queen loved a witcher for many life times." Grandpa looked at us and said: "  I talked to your dad he just want to meet Geralt."  I kissed Geralt and the net thing I know the door opens it was my brother with some guy he looked me up and down while Geralt just held me the guy looked at me and ran to me and said: " I will save you my queen."  He grabbed me and Geralt passed him he grabbed his sword I looked at him and I screamed and he went across the room Geralt looked at me and kissed my neck and for some reason I never felt clamer my brother looked at me and said: " So it is true my sister is in love with a witcher." He came up to us and my eyes glowed as a warning he looked at me and before he could say anything I said: "  I let you marry my bestfriend remember that."  He looked at me and said: " I see nothing wrong with this I just have one thing to say come see us every once in a while cause I know your leaving with him and we will all still be at home of you need us ok." I hugged him and I said: "  I promise I will come to see everyone."  I see my sister in law walking in she looked at me and said: "  Omg ok this is happening ok we are doing this right I will get Y/n ready Sophie you will go get a room ready far from everyone."  Before I could say anything I was pulled away. 

Geralt Pov 

I looked at her father as she left and then the guy and said: " Whose idea was it to bring him here." Sophie came from down the hall and said: " Oh this was my idea I thought you two needed a push but I was wrong." Her brother looked and said: "  What do you mean they didn't need it." Sophie looked at me and smiled and said: " They were having sex before we got back." Before anyone could say anything the woman came out and grabbed me and said: "  She is ready and there is a spell on your room so no one can hear you go she is waiting. I walked down the hall way and opened the door to see her in this I looked at her and said: "  Fuck I don't think I can stop this time." 

She looked at me and said: "  Who said you have to

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She looked at me and said: "  Who said you have to."  I kissed her and said: "  Do you want this please tell me you want this."  She looked at me and said: "  I do Geralt I really need you."  I looked at her and said: "  Come here bunny I want to make you feel good." 

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