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I woke up this morning I went into the garden and I started blooming flowers I looked out at the ocean from the house my mom came to me and said: " You know you can't go in the water into your father comes and get you." I looked at her and said: "  What if he doesn't want them to know about me."  She looked at me and said: "  He will get you when the time is right."  She hugged me and went back in the house and I looked out at the ocean my friend call and told me about a party that was going on at the beach tonight it was summer and it was already getting late I went for a run and then got ready I go and put on my outfit and it looks like this. 

I wasn't going into the ocean but I still but on something under my dress me and Sophie leave and we spend a couple hours at the party Sophie was talking to some guys and one picked her up and throw her in the water I took off my dress and it had ...

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I wasn't going into the ocean but I still but on something under my dress me and Sophie leave and we spend a couple hours at the party Sophie was talking to some guys and one picked her up and throw her in the water I took off my dress and it had this under it and I jump in 

I jumped in the ocean and I hold my breath into I remember I can breath underwater as I go and grabbed Sophie I see this guy in the water with me I knew what he was but I didn't want him to know me I get Sophie to the beach and I looked at him and...

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I jumped in the ocean and I hold my breath into I remember I can breath underwater as I go and grabbed Sophie I see this guy in the water with me I knew what he was but I didn't want him to know me I get Sophie to the beach and I looked at him and said: " Sophie can't swim you, dumbass." She starts breathing and she looked at me and said: " Thank you but we need to go I saw what happened." I looked at her she was the only person who knew my secret as we were about to leave a guy look at us and said: " What happened to the guy that went in with you." He came out the water and me and Sophie ran to the car we saw someone following us she looked at me as I was driving and said: " why did you come and save me." I looked at her and said: what did you want me to do let you die." She looked at me and said:" No but we said if that ever happens call for help." I looked at her and said:" As you were drowning they say there and watched what was I going to do but he is like me he won't tell anyone." She looked at me and said:" But what if he tells your dad's people they will come and kill you." I looked at her and said: " I am more powerful then they know." She looked at me and I was going to her house to get her some new clothes we get in and she says " We will stay here tonight lock the door." As Sophie fell asleep I had to go back to the sea it was calling me I go back to the beach and I see the man and he looked at me and as I was about to jump in he said: "You're just like me."  I looked at him and said: "  Not really I am more then you." As I tried to jump in the water he grabbed me and said: "  No they will find out about you." 

Arthur Pov 

As I was about to go to Atlantis I saw a girl get thrown in the water and her friend I jump in and she looked at me and then that's when I realized she can breathe underwater before I could grab her she got the girl and they ran away to what I think was her house I waited because I knew what was  about to happen she came out and she drives to the ocean trying to jump in but I stopped her and grabbed her and said: "  You can't go in not right now." She tried to fight me but I grabbed and put her in the car and said: "  Tonight is not a great night to go in the ocean."  She looked at me and said: " Why did you stop me and who are you anyway."  I looked at her and said: "  The water is dangerous tonight you just learned how to use your powers."  She looked at him and said: "  Who are you." I looked at her and said: " I am your mate and King."  She looked at me shocked but all could look at was the beauty of her eyes I love looking at her the way she looks at me the anger in her eyes I know the ocean is calling her to it she is my queen who has only felt the ocean on her skin once I looked at her and said: " Do you know who your father or mother is."  

Y/n pov 

He was handsome and strong  he looked at me and said: " Do you know who your father or mother is." I looked at him and said: " My mother is a witch and my father left and told me to never go in the ocean do you know who he is." The next thing I know my mom called and said: "  Y/n get back into the house now you went in the ocean."  He looked at me and said: "  I can go and explain to her." We go back to my house and he tells me everything and when we go into my house a man comes up to me and said: "  What the hell were you thinking going in the ocean without me being their why would not listen to you mother."  I looked at him and yelled back and said: "  And who the hell are you anyway."  My mom looked at me and said: "  Nuidia is your father." I looked at him shocked and as he kissed my mother. 

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