Brock Lesnar

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This is part two of the Brock Lesnar story. You are starting to get feeling for him and you it was going on more dates.

I woke up the next morning remembering everything that happened yesterday but I didn't care about Seth cheating I had my first date with Brock and I loved it I was going to the gym to get ready for my plan for tonight I call Stephanie and told her what I was doing and she and Hunter agreed so I put my gym clothes on and this is what I wear and as I am heading out the door

I woke up the next morning remembering everything that happened yesterday but I didn't care about Seth cheating I had my first date with Brock and I loved it I was going to the gym to get ready for my plan for tonight I call Stephanie and told her...

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 I ran into someone as I was about to say sorry I see Brock I looked to see him in gym clothes he looked at me and said: " Do you want to go to the gym with me I was about to come and ask you." I looked at him and said: " I would love to but you are going to have to help me in your truck again." He laughed with me and we leave I turned on my phone again and I had 20 missed calls from Seth and he keeps texting me but I didn't care I looked at Brock and turned off my phone he looked at me and said: " When are you going to make music again." I looked at him and said: " I didn't know you followed my music." He looked at me and said: " You are a really good singer and I bet your sisters miss your girl group." I looked at him and said: "I never thought of it because I was with Seth but I am going to do everything I did before." He looked at me and said: " After the gym you want to get something to eat." I looked at him and said: " Yeah do you want to go to one of your spots or mine." He looked at me and said: " Let's go to one of your spots." I looked at him and said: " I am going to see my cousin before I go to the show tonight." He looked at me and said: " You lived in New York so you don't like the country do you." I looked at him and said: " I lived in Texas my whole life I would ride horses with my grandpa so yeah." He looked at me and smiled and we finally make it to the gym. We work out for a few minutes I was drinking water and a guy came up to me and said: " Your cute how about we get out of here." I looked at him and said: " No thank you Iḿ here with someone." He looked at me and laughed and said: " Yeah and where is Seth?" Before I could say anything Brock hugged me and said: " You ready to go get lunch." I looked at him as he kissed my cheek and the guy walked away. I looked at him and said:" Yeah but I need to go back to the hotel I smell." He laughed and said: " I guess I need a shower too." As we get to the hotel he helps me out of the truck and I go and get in the shower when I get done I come out and I see Brock I looked shocked for a second and then remember I don have an clothes on I grabbed my bag and go back in the bathroom with my face as red as the sun. 

Brock Pov

I walked into Y/n's room and waited for her to get out of the shower because she give me the key to get in her room as I sat there I hear the shower door open and she walks out forgetting she give me the key when she sees me she grabs her bag and walked away liked nothing happen how in the world does she tease me and not know it she walked out here with no clothes on and her body looked beautiful and she was glowing her skin was wet I wanted to pick her up. I stand there waiting for her to come out she comes out in this dress and she looks beautiful 

 I stand there waiting for her to come out she comes out in this dress and she looks beautiful 

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