xvi. god knows i never sought anything in you except yourself

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i'm with him

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i'm with him. for better or for worse.

it will probably be worse.

i knew that the day i met him.

⋆₊ ⋆☼ ⁺₊⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆


The days that followed were the worst of Andromeda's life.

The tension between her and Luke hung thick in the air, suffocating her with every breath. It felt like a dark cloud had settled over their once vibrant friendship, casting a shadow over everything they did.

She and Luke were hardly speaking and when they did, he was short with her, just a few words here and there about the cabin or training. They weren't sparring anymore, so Andromeda took her frustrations out on the training dummies. But even as she poured herself into her training, she couldn't shake the gnawing sense of guilt and sadness that weighed heavily on her heart.

Every time she caught sight of Luke across the camp, a pang of longing shot through her, reminding her of the bond they had shared and how quickly it seemed to be slipping away. She could hardly believe that the boy who was so cold and distant with her now had been the same boy who had fire in his eyes as he told her he wanted to kiss her. She missed the way they could laugh and joke together without a care in the world. She felt like she was hardly laughing at all these days.

Now, whenever she tried to reach out to him, to bridge the growing divide between them, Luke would always seem to pull away, his walls impenetrable and his gaze distant. It hurt more than she could bear, knowing that she was the cause of his pain, that she had driven a wedge between them with her dreams of college.

Consequently, she spent more and more time with Silena, who was sympathetic to her problem, but didn't quite seem to understand how much it hurt Andromeda to be separated from Luke. She would tell her that she was better off without him, that he was a pig for not understanding, etcetera, etcetera. After a while, Andromeda stopped listening to her. She didn't want to talk about Luke at all when they were together. Silena was good company, and it was nice to spend time with another girl, but it wasn't the same as spending time with Luke. There was a lot less laughing and a lot more makeup tips and gossip. Not that Andromeda didn't like those things, she just missed Luke.

As Silena and Andromeda lounged on the beach, soaking in the warmth of the sun, their conversation drifted lazily from one topic to another. Silena chattered away about various camp gossip and complaining about the amount of training Clarisse was making them all do for tomorrow's capture the flag game while Andromeda listened absently, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of Luke.

Suddenly, Andromeda's gaze flickered towards the shoreline, where she spotted Luke and Chris making their way onto the beach, their forms outlined against the golden sands. She curses herself for forgetting that Luke and Chris usually worked out on the beach on Thursday nights. She wasn't used to avoiding him yet. Silena followed her gaze and noticed the approaching figures as well.

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