2.02 ; precious loss

Start from the beginning

Standing up on the RV; Natalie had patted Shane's back moving past him and ducking next to Glenn. The sounds of an engine were heard through the window of the RV. Daryl had ridden his back in their direction. "Ya see a way through?" Dale shouted over the rumbling of the engine. 

Natalie ducked down with Glenn moving to the side a little so that they could sit next to each other. Holding a map in his hand trying to understand it. "Uh, maybe we should just go back." Turning his head and looking at Dale. "There's an interstate bypass-" 

"We can't spare the fuel" Dale made his understand. 

Shane ducked down leaning towards Dale but mostly Natalie since she was close to Glenn like they always were. Not listening he had started to slowly drive past the abandoned cars that were blocking the front way path. Daryl was in front guiding them through the clear path. With them passing all of the cars that had been abandoned with stuff inside of the car. It was the first time in a while this had all felt real. 

Seeing everyday things turn into something utopian. Inside a lot of the cars laid bodies, it was hard to tell if they were Walkers or just dead. "Can we get through there?" Natalie questioned furrowing her eyebrows and turning to Dale. 

Right at the top of a pin, smoke started steaming from the engine. Popping itself and sputtering out into the world. Now they were trapped again in another graveyard. Dale had opened the door getting down and out of the RV, Shane, Natalie, Glenn, Andrea and T-Dog had ducked down as well. Turning her head and squinting at the sun, Rick and Lori started to make their way over to the group interested in what was going on again. 

"I told ya didn't I?" Dale said walking towards the front of the engine. "A thousand times dead in the water." 

Natalie placed her pistol inside her belt. "Problem Dale?" Rick questioned tilting his head a little. 

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere." Dale sassed mostly irritated by the RV than at anyone. "With no hope of-- " He had cut himself off looking at Daryl go into the back of someone's car grabbing something. "Okay, that was dumb." 

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." He continued to look through someone's abandoned car. "There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." 

T-Dog started to walk not caring that there may be Walkers inside of the cars. "I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." 

"Maybe some water." 

"Or food." 

Lori pointed out the exact thing that Natalie was thinking about. "This is a graveyard." Her voice was laced in worry not knowing how to feel about the whole thing. This seemed to grab everyone's attention causing the group to turn to her. "I don't know how I feel about this." 

"Come on, y'all...Just look around," T-Dog didn't listen needing something to drink. Natalie stared at her mom with her arms crossed before turning around and starting to walk forward. 

Walking towards a red jeep close yet in the distance. Opening the door with a pull since it seemed to be jammed. Ducking to see more into it, there wasn't a Walker inside of this car, unlike the other's meaning it was just abandoned. Reaching her hand for the glovebox, cigarettes were lying there she grabbed placing them inside her pocket. 

Natalie went through the whole car as she found a couple of bandaids placing them in a women's black purse she had left behind that had money, a wallet and many other things. Closing the door of the car she went to the next closest one. Grabbing onto the door and opening the trunk that had a bunch of suitcases inside of them. 

A small smile had gone on her lips knowing that this wasn't a good thing to do but now it was abandoned not going through things that still belonged to people. Inside of this car, though resting in the front seat was a Walker flies flew around it almost tempting its wakening. At the sight of this, her heart started racing pulling the suitcases and baggage out of the trunk and placing it on the floor unzipping it. 

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