Chapter 12: Prep before the Jump

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The next few days were some of the most relaxing times I had felt since this whole conspiracy started. No more troubles besides the potential Hyde that may run amok when we head to the next world. I'll have to chat with the sheriff before leaving this world. Nevermore went through its days as usual after that whole fiasco. Nothing was told to unrelated students to not cause any panic. Anyone who was informed was thankful to the three of us wiping Crackstone and his descendant from the face of the Earth. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of unexplained horrors still lingering in this world but my time here has come to its end. Many more worlds still await me to explore and many more mysteries to uncover.

The day was going well so far until I saw the sheriff walking towards the principal's office. From the looks on his face, I'm guessing Tyler got loose when he wasn't looking. I also head to meet with Principal Weems to see if my guess is correct. Opening the door, both the sheriff and Principal Weems stopped talking and looked towards me.

I closed the door behind me before looking over to the sheriff and said, "Looks like you're having a terrible day, sheriff. Did something or someone get loose?"

Sheriff Galpin started sweating as soon as he heard my words. Words couldn't escape his mouth before his shoulders drooped down and muttered weakly, "Tyler escaped. Please spare my son. He's the only family I have left."

I looked at the sheriff with pity and sighed, "I will still live up to my promise I made that night, sheriff. But I will bring him back to life to be by your side. He will not die in a sense as I will tie his life with yours. So as long as you live, Tyler lives. Principal Weems knows my method and I will be leaving "Rowan" over here at Nevermore to reside as well. His parents and family can visit him and still have some semblance of normality."

I proceeded to summon "Rowan" and ordered him to protect Nevermore and strive to become stronger as well as enjoy his family time here in this world. "Rowan" agreed and walked over to Principal Weems in full view of Sheriff Galpin. Principal Weems was grateful for the entrustment of security of Nevermore.

I looked over to both the sheriff and Principal Weems and continued, "I should get going. After all, I have a Hyde to hunt. Don't worry sheriff, I'll bring him back to you."

I left the principal's office and was about to Shadow Exchange to Tyler's position but Wednesday and Enid found me. Enid ran towards me enveloping me with hugs while Wednesday took my arm holding me close. My soft gaze was seen through by them and felt my heartfelt sincerity. They both looked at each other and grinned in turn at their success.

I looked over the two and asked, "What's going on, you two? You look like you planned this

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I looked over the two and asked, "What's going on, you two? You look like you planned this. If you did, I quite enjoyed it."


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