Chapter 1: Settling In

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It has been a few days since meeting Principal Weems. She explained that Nevermore Academy was a boarding school for outcasts, freaks, and monsters. Though it feels more like a summer camp than a school for the most part. Considering the number of magical signatures, I'm willing to believe that almost everyone here is a monster. Almost everyone, that is. I sense at least one normal human here; normies as these monsters call them.

A town seems to be bordering the school nearby, at least that's one place I can check out. Maybe there's some surprises waiting there. Though I really doubt it since most magical signatures are clustered around this school. The shadow knights informed me that it seems to be a small quiet town with some historical background. They seem eager to find some new companions, so I might go around some cemeteries or other burial grounds.

Thankfully after showing Principal Weems his telekinetic ability <Ruler's Authority>, she invited me to be a student of Nevermore. She had someone order me a black version of the male uniform; not that I'm complaining since the original purple color seems a bit bright for me. She also tried to hand me some money, but I refused her generous offer. I still got some gold coins and gold ores weighing a few tons, so I'll be set for a while. I'll need to head to Jericho when I get the chance to exchange some cash later. I was led to a dorm room and explained that I will have a roommate when school starts in a few days.

Y/N got on the bed and laid down while muttering, "At least I have some peace and quiet before school starts."

I laid on the bed exhausted from the world-hopping and the new changes in his life. Thinking back to before I acquired this power, I'm terribly grateful for bringing such changes to my boring life. The ability to travel to different worlds is enough for me to enjoy life to the fullest and adding Ashborn's power makes my lifespan infinite. Though I may form friendships and other ties to these people I meet. If they choose to stay by my side, I can always raise them as part of the Shadow Army. If not, I will respect their decision and let them rest in peace. Slowly after pondering my new life, I drift to sleep.

A few days have passed by, and some students have started to come to the campus.

Y/N looks over and observes, "They seem to look no different than other humans except for their own magical signatures."

The group of teens in the shade or holding black umbrellas under the sun feels cold with a touch of a blood aura. No surprise these people are vampires. The smell of blood aura from bodies coupled with their somewhat cold personalities are spot-on with my deduction.

In another part of the Quad–

<Y/N chimes, "It's a pentagon !!">

Anyways, before my mind gets distracted again, this group is now laughing and chatting around the fountain. They seemed to feel a bit hypnotic and smelled of the sea. Searching around his mind for a myth or monsters depicting those qualities. After a few minutes of pondering, mermaid or sirens fit the description. I'm more inclined to think they're sirens seeing as their hypnotic feeling is much higher quality signatures.

Looking back to the tables are a bunch of burly teens being very rowdy and uncultured. They seem to act like a bunch of dogs with no discipline at all.

Y/N goes into Thinker mode and poses, "Now that I think of it, they do feel animalistic and them feeling like dogs but more feral. Hmm, Lycans perhaps or werewolves so it's easier for our readers to understand."

<Please note that Y/N will break the fourth wall occasionally for moments like these>

As I was still in Thinker mode, someone snuck up on me and pats my shoulder. I snapped out of that state and turned around, only to be greeted with a young girl with blonde hair with rainbow highlights and a bright smile on her face.

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