Chapter 4: The Unexpected Death

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The sun had just risen as its gentle light blankets Nevermore Academy. The students as well as teachers had only woken up and started getting ready for the day. Challenges await the students as the long-awaited Edgar Allan Poe Cup will be starting soon this week. Many are brainstorming and strategizing as there are no rules in the competition. The competition is a boat race from the docks to the island where Joseph Crackstone's crypt resides to grab their team flag and then row back to the docks to the finish line. The competitive spirit of Nevermore had inflicted its inhabitants with such zeal and excitement till the competition began.

Y/N just woke up from his bed and slowly headed to wash up for the day. Many questions lingered my mind on what kind of creature that claw remnant belongs to. I'll have to find a book of monsters somewhere in the library. Perhaps that hidden library by the Edgar Allan Poe statue might have a copy. After confirming my thoughts, I'll have some Shadow Knights find the book or books about monsters in the hidden library tonight.

Y/N looked up and saw the time, "Good thing I only have fencing class today and it's later in the afternoon."

After putting on a casual outfit, I headed towards the gate only to see Principal Weems waiting for someone. She noticed me and asked, "Mr. Ashborn, looking at your attire, will you be heading to Jericho today?" I nodded and she asked, "Splendid. I have some business to take care of in town. Will you wait for a few more minutes? I will be escorting Ms. Addams to her therapy session."

Sure enough, five minutes later, I see Wednesday dressed in an all-black Nevermore uniform. Unsurprisingly it suits her quite nicely. She looks ready to explode considering I just heard from Principal Weems she's going to therapy. Knowing her, she'll probably slip out somehow or some way when no one is looking. Judging from the magical signature I felt from her bag, Thing is also coming along. Wednesday saw me waiting by the car with Principal Weems. Curious why Y/N is waiting for her.

I waved my hand towards Wednesday and greeted her, "Good morning Wednesday~! Sleep well?" Wednesday replied, "Morning Y/N. I slept enough though I'm surprised to see you waiting with Principal Weems."

I replied, "She actually spotted me heading to Jericho so she offered to give me a ride there. It was a nice gesture so I thought why not?" Principal Weems chimes, "Precisely, Mr. Ashborn. Now come along, Ms. Addams. You don't want to be late for your appointment now, do you?"

Wednesday begrudgingly nodded.

Both Wednesday and I got in the car with Principal Weems driving towards Jericho

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Both Wednesday and I got in the car with Principal Weems driving towards Jericho. I looked over and whispered to Wednesday, "Don't think much of it too much and just be yourself with the therapist. You don't even need to respond if you don't want to." Wednesday looked over to Y/N and nodded. It was a quiet twenty minute ride before arriving at Jericho. The car finally stopped in front of the therapist office, which read "Dr. Kinbott, Therapist Practitioner."

Principal Weems turned to the back seat where Y/N and Wednesday were sitting and looked towards Wednesday, "I hope your session with Dr. Kinbott goes swimmingly and maybe after we can go get some hot chocolate at the Weathervane?" Upon hearing the offer, Wednesday looked Principal Weems in the eye and replied, "Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you." She opens the doors and finishes, "And chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade."

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